Monday, October 31, 2011

AirTran jet lands in Mont. with cracked windshield

Officials say an AirTran Airways flight from Washington state to Wisconsin made an emergency landing in Billings, Mont., after the windshield cracked.

Billings Logan International Airport officials say the Boeing 737 landed at about 4 p.m. Saturday. KULR-TV reports ( no one was injured.

Officials say AirTran sent another plane to get the 130 passengers traveling from Seattle to Milwaukee.

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Everyone Profits from the Cain Campaign (The Atlantic Wire)

It's difficult to understand what Herman Cain's campaign is doing until you look at it as a mission to advance the personal brands of everyone involved. Cain's campaign manager, Mark Block, is pretty pleased with all the attention is weird pro-smoking pro-Cain video has gotten, telling the?Associated Press'?Ryan J. Foley and Shannon McCaffrey,?"Can you imagine Karl Rove doing what I did with that cigarette?" ?He explains his days as a political renegade and his sobriety post-drunk driving arrests and how he thinks "outside the box" -- "It's a joke around here, 'Let Block be Block'" -- that's B-L-O-C-K, okay, guys? But don't worry about Cain not being served well by a self-promoter. Self-promotion is the most consistent theme of the Cain campaign.

Related: A Gossipy Political Press Corps Has the 2012 GOP Field Spooked

As much as he might scoff at Rove, Block says he's running a "50-state strategy," just like David Plouffe did for Barack Obama in 2008. But that doesn't mean Cain will be shaking hands in all 50 states; it means he'll be selling books there.?The day before Cain won the Florida straw poll, his campaign emailed supporters not about how to cut the budget deficit or kill Obamacare or win Afghanistan or whatever. It suggested getting a collector's edition box set of his book,?National Journal?reports:?"Consider giving a loved one a copy of?This is Herman Cain," it said. "You wouldn't be giving them just a book. You'd give them a gift to open again and again."

Related: Where the Candidates Stand After the Debate

J.D. Gordon -- Cain's "vice president for?communications" and foreign policy adviser -- told The Daily Beast's?Howard Kurtz?that Cain's going to ease up on the pace of campaigning so he doesn't make so many gaffes. "We're trying to slow down a little bit, make sure he?s rested, make sure he?s focused," Gordon said. A "more deliberate pace" would prevent Cain from making "those kinds of mistakes," Gordon said, blaming Cain's confused comments on abortion and negotiating with terrorists on being sleepy. Earlier this week, Gordon told Foreign Policy that Cain was getting "smarter on foreign policy every day," thanks to an expanded foreign policy team made up of advisers for an un-launched think tank that Gordon seemed to be promoting.

Related: How the 2012 Candidates Spent the Fourth of July

How you slow the pace of a campaign that has put the candidate in early voting states only?three times?in the last month is unclear. It seems unlikely that Cain will give up on the centerpiece of his strategy -- TV interviews -- or, say, skip the Lincoln-Douglas-style debate in Texas with Newt Gingrich next month that will reach out to voters for just $200 a ticket for the cheap seats, $500 for tickets and pie, and $1,000 for tickets, a good seat, and a photo with the candidates, as?NBC?s?Domenico Montanaro?reports. What's especially odd about Cain's media-focused campaign is that its manager has a lot of experience in the ugly on-the-ground realities of campaigning. Block paid a $15,000 fine and was banned from running political campaigns in Wisconsin for three years for breaking campaign finance rules, the Associated Press reports. He was accused of trying to suppress votes of minorities and college kids (as in, Democratic voters) and investigated for misleading robo-calls about a school?referendum. His life fell apart after the ban from Wisconsin politics, and he was arrested twice for drunk driving. But he's seen the light. Block's quit drinking, he says. And clearly he's abandoned the legally tricky on-the-ground tactics of very real local politics in favor of a perfectly-legal media-focused maybe-fake presidential campaign.


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Perry to GOP: I could handle Obama in debate (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Rick Perry on Sunday sought to reassure GOP primary voters concerned about his wobbly presidential debate performances, saying he would draw sharp distinctions with the Democratic incumbent in televised showdowns next year.

"I'm not worried a bit that I'll be able to stand on the stage with Barack Obama and draw a very bright line," Perry said.

The Texas governor, driving for front-runner status as the most viable conservative in the wide-open field, offered up samples of the scathing rhetoric he uses against the president, from the economy to war policy and personal credibility.

Perry also defended his voluntary flat-tax proposal and the notion that it could bring in trillions of dollars less in revenue than the current tax code.

"There's nothing wrong with lower revenue," he said. "I don't want more revenue in Washington, D.C.'s hands. I want more revenue in the private sector job creators' hands."

The tough talk came as Perry manages the fallout from his debate performances and all of the GOP candidates fight to lead the pack in Iowa just two months before the first voting of 2012 begins there.

There is no clear leader in that contest. A Des Moines Register poll on Saturday showed former Godfather's Pizza CEO Herman Cain at the head of the pack, with the support of 23 percent of respondents. Ex-Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney was next with 22 percent.

Perry, who rated just 7 percent in that survey, has taken a particularly steep fall since announcing his candidacy in August, struggling through parts of five debates and dogged especially by Romney.

How, he was asked on "Fox News Sunday," would he perform against the erudite Obama in a general election next year?

What counts, Perry said, is how a candidate would govern.

"We got a great debater, a smooth politician in the White House right now, that's not working really good for America," Perry said.

Perry plans to attend of the debates now scheduled in November as well as a December one. "With as many debates as we got coming up, I may end up being a pretty good debater before it's all been said and done," he said.

On Iraq and Afghanistan, Perry accused Obama of pursuing an "aimless foreign policy" by making big decisions without adequately considering the advice of his commanders. He said the president has endangered Americans on the ground by announcing that U.S. troops would leave Iraq by year's end.

"He has lost his standing from the standpoint of being a commander in chief who has any idea about what's going on in those theaters," Perry said.

On the leading domestic issue, Perry said the president has "taken an experiment with the American economy and turned it into absolute Frankenstein experience."

Cain piled on the president, too.

"A responsible commander in chief" would have done more to seek out the counsel of the military's ground commanders before agreeing to pull all troops out of Iraq, Cain said. Doing that leaves a "power vacuum," he added.

"It also leaves it unclear as to how we are going to deal with other nations," Cain said on CBS' "Face the Nation."

The U.S. deadline to pull troops out by the end of 2011 was originally set by President George W. Bush. Obama decided to move ahead with the plan after Washington and Baghdad couldn't agree on the conditions for keeping a small contingent of U.S. troops behind to train Iraqi forces.

For his part, the president has mostly stayed out of the GOP nomination fight.

"I'm going to wait until everyone is voted off the island," he told "Tonight Show" host Jay Leno earlier in the week.

But a top adviser, David Plouffe, went after Romney, the early front-runner in the race. Plouffe, who managed Obama's 2008 campaign, said Romney has "moved all over the place" on issues from abortion to gay marriage over his career and might not have firm enough convictions to make the tough decisions as president.

"You get the sense with Mitt Romney that if he thought it was good to say the sky was green and the grass was blue, to win an election, he'd say it," Plouffe said on NBC's "Meet the Press."

It's not yet clear which of the Republicans might survive the nomination fight. While Cain "seems to have tapped into something," Plouffe said he found it interesting that "Romney continues to have 75, 80 percent of his party looking somewhere else, and so it'll be interesting to see if he can turn that around."

The Romney campaign shot back by saying Obama "can't run on his abysmal economic record and he is desperate to distract from the historic loss of middle-class jobs that has occurred on his watch. Americans won't be fooled by false and negative attacks."

Republicans in Iowa aren't leaning toward any one candidate, even though Romney's essentially been running for president since losing in the state in 2008.

Despite his showing in the Iowa poll, Cain trails both Romney and Perry in fundraising by the millions.

Perry is starting to focus on Iowa with a new ad, and on Sunday, he hit Romney for being on both sides of debates over gun control, abortion and gay rights.

"I have been a consistent conservative," Perry said. "I don't get confused with just telling the truth."


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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Iran parliament to question Ahmadinejad

Iran's parliament is set to summon President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for questioning over an economic scandal and his polices after the required number of lawmakers signed a petition Sunday, the latest salvo in a long battle between the president and his rivals.

Ahmadinejad would be the first president to be hauled before the Iranian parliament, a serious blow to his standing in a the conflict involving the president, lawmakers and Iran's powerful clerics.

At least 73 lawmakers signed the petition to question Ahmadinejad, just above one-quarter of the 290 members required by Iran's constitution to call in a president.

Earlier the parliament found Ahmadinejad's economics minister guilty in relation to a $2.6 billion fraud case, considered the largest in Iran's history.

This is just one of several economic misconduct cases that target Ahmadinejad allies, evidence that his political struggles are a factor. Ahmadinejad has been wrestling with the parliament and the clergy over in the run-up to parliamentary elections in March and a presidential election in 2013.

Ahmadinejad has come under increasing attacks in recent months from the same hard-liners who brought him to power.

Dozens of Ahmadinejad's political backers have been arrested or hounded out of the public eye by hard-line forces in recent months. His protege and top aide, Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei, has been effectively blackballed from his goal of succeeding Ahmadinejad in 2013 elections by a series of reputation-killing accusations.

They include leading a "deviant current" that seeks to challenge the system of theocratic rule, and alleged links to the $2.6 billion bank fraud.

The questioning, should it happen, would be a serious blow to Ahmadinejad, who has already been weakened after he publicly challenged Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in April over the choice of intelligence minister.

The $2.6 billion fraud case involving top government officials has reinvigorated efforts by lawmakers to seriously bring Ahmadinejad before the house.

"The petition to question the president has reached the minimum of signatures required. It was handed over to the presiding council," lawmaker Hossein Sobhaninia said.

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The parliament's presiding council acknowledged receiving the petition Sunday, clearing the way to bring the president before the house.

At a session of parliament broadcast live on state radio Sunday, a report was read saying that a parliamentary investigation has found top government officials guilty in the case, described as the nation's biggest financial scam.

Economy Minister Shamsoddin Hosseini is set to be impeached Tuesday over the case.

Sobhaninia, a member of the presiding council, said a special parliamentary committee will question a representative of the president before Ahmadinejad himself is summoned before the house.

Dozens of Iranian lawmakers signed a similar petition last year, but later, several lawmakers withdrew their signatures, killing the move.

Ali Motahari, a conservative lawmaker behind the petition, resigned earlier this month to protest the parliament's failure to summon Ahmadinejad for questioning. He charged that he could no longer protect the rights of the people who elected him to parliament.

On Sunday, Motahari said he will withdraw his resignation if the president is actually questioned.

The $2.6 billion fraud case involved the use of forged documents to obtain credit from at least two Iranian state banks to purchase state-owned companies.

Iranian businessman Mahafarid Amir Khosravi, also known as Amir Mansour Aria, has been accused of masterminding the scam, a scandal that broke in September.

A long report on parliament's investigation found Hosseini, the economy minister, his deputies and managers of the Central Bank of Iran as well as managers of the banks involved in the fraud case guilty of failing to take action despite having knowledge of the offenses.

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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PFT: NFL reviewing Dielman concussion

Buffalo Bills v Miami DolphinsGetty Images

Predictably, reports have surfaced that Dolphins owner Stephen Ross has contacted former Steelers coach Bill Cowher.? Even more predictably, Ross denies that he has contacted Cowher.

?Not true,? Ross said Friday, via David Hyde of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel.? ?I?m not going to reach out to anyone while Tony [Sparano] is the coach.? I hope he wins and stays the coach.? Neither I nor anyone involved with me has contacted [Cowher], his agent or anyone around him.?

It?s hard to accept that one at face value, for several reasons.? First, it?s hard to accept pretty much anything anyone connected to an NFL team says at face value.? When it comes to on-field and off-field football tactics, the truth often is told only when it happens to mesh with the strategically prudent explanation.? Second, Ross already has shown a willingness not only to contact ?anyone? (cough ? Jim Harbaugh ? cough) while Sparano is the coach, but to fly across the country with the team?s General Manager to meet with said ?anyone.?? Third, in this bizarre separation dance between Ross and Sparano, where Ross possibly has decided to stay the course (at least for now) in the hopes of racking up enough losses to get Andrew Luck and where Sparano possibly sees that and wants to get fired, admitting to conduct that undermines Sparano could give Sparano enough ammunition to claim that he has been constructively discharged, which would allow him to quit ? and also to pursue a buyout of his contract.

Fourth, and perhaps most importantly, what else was Ross going to say?? ?Yep, I contacted Cowher.? And Gruden.? And I tried Vince Lombardi but they keep saying the number is disconnected or no longer in service.?

Despite these obvious reasons for Ross to deny, Hyde chooses to knock down the reports from guys like Mike Freeman of (who reported that contact had occurred through intermediaries) and Albert Breer of NFL Network (a league employee with an impeccable reputation for accuracy who reported that Ross has contacted Cowher?s agent).? Hyde wonders why Ross would contact Cowher at this stage of the season, given that Ross isn?t competing with anyone for Cowher?s services ? and given that contacting Cowher now could offend him.? ?Make[s] no sense on a lot of levels,? Hyde writes.

Actually, it makes sense on every level.

It?s called gauging interest.? If Cowher, via his agent, says that he?s interested, Ross can put Cowher on the wish list and wait until Sparano is fired to make a move.? If Cowher, via his agent, says that he?d never be interested, Ross can remove Cowher?s name from the list.? If Cowher, via his agent, says that Cowher could be interested if X, Y, and/or Z were to happen, Ross can commence the process of deciding whether he can and will make X, Y, and/or Z happen.

Given the extremely clumsy manner in which the Dolphins pursued Harbaugh in January, it makes sense that the Dolphins would begin lining up potential candidates now, and that they would do so in a somewhat clumsy manner, allowing word of the courtship to make its way to the media.

Here?s what Ross should have done.? He should have limited the information regarding any contact with Cowher?s agent to only a handful of people ? ideally, only one person other than himself.? And the message to Cowher?s agent (or whomever has been contacted) should have been clear and direct:? If word of this gets out, we?ll deny it, and we?ll remove you from consideration.

But the Dolphins are both clumsy and desperate right now, so they won?t be doing things discreetly and they won?t be issuing the kinds of ultimatums that ensure complete discretion.? As Ross essentially admitted when the Harbaugh fiasco blew up in the Fins? faces, Ross isn?t schooled in these nuances of NFL teams.

And it shows.? On every level.


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Injured vet spent day at work, nights at protest (AP)

OAKLAND, Calif. ? The Iraq War veteran injured during a clash between police and anti-Wall Street protesters wasn't taking part in the demonstrations out of economic want.

Scott Olsen, 24, makes a good living at a software company and rents a hillside apartment with views of San Francisco Bay. And yet, his friends say, he felt so strongly about economic inequality in the country that he fought for that he slept at a San Francisco protest camp after work.

"He felt you shouldn't wait until something is affecting you to get out and do something about it," said friend and roommate Keith Shannon, who served with Olsen in Iraq.

It was that feeling that drew him to Oakland on Tuesday night, when the clashes broke out and Olsen was struck by a projectile that fractured his skull. Police say they responded only when protesters began throwing bottles and other items at them.

Now, even as officials investigate exactly where the projectile came from, and from whom, Olsen has become a rallying cry for the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators across the nation, with Twitter users and protest websites declaring: "We are all Scott Olsen."

In Las Vegas, a few dozen protesters held a vigil Wednesday night, carrying glow sticks and projecting a photo of the Marine in uniform onto the corrugated-metal side of building at their camp.

More vigils were being planned Thursday night in other cities.

Elsewhere, officials took steps to close some camps that sprang up since the movement began last month against what protesters see as corporate greed and a government that caters to the wealthiest and big business.

In Nashville, Tenn., officials imposed a curfew for a camp at the Capitol complex. In Providence, R.I., officials notified protesters that they were violating laws prohibiting camping overnight at a park.

Some tea party groups complained of a double standard, saying they were charged fees to hold their rallies while Occupy groups have not. One group in Richmond, Va., is asking the city to repay $8,000 spent for permits and other needs.

On Thursday, however, most of the talk was of Olsen and who was responsible for his injury.

The group Iraq Veterans Against the War blamed police. Police say they used tear gas and bean bag rounds, not flash grenades and rubber bullets as some demonstrators have charged.

Interim Oakland police Chief Howard Jordan said Wednesday that the charges of excessive use of force are being investigated. He did not return repeated calls seeking comment on Thursday.

Olsen's condition improved on Thursday, with doctors transferring him from the emergency room to an intensive care unit. Shannon said Olsen is scheduled for surgery to relieve pressure from brain swelling. His parents were flying to Oakland from Wisconsin, his uncle said.

"His mother, this is obviously a heartbreaker to her," said George Nygaard, also a Marine veteran, said. "I don't think she understands why he was doing this."

Olsen, who is from Onalaska, Wis., served two tours in Iraq, felt the anti-Wall Street movement had a chance to create real change, Shannon said. So each night, he would go out to the tent camps and usually called Shannon with his whereabouts.

On Tuesday night, Olsen had planned to be in San Francisco, but changed course after his veteran's group decided to go to Oakland to support the protesters there. Earlier, police in riot gear cleared an encampment outside city hall that officials said had health and safety problems.

"I think it was a last minute thing," he said about Olsen's decision. "He didn't think about it."

Joshua Shepherd, 27, a Navy veteran who was standing nearby when Olsen got struck, said he didn't know what hit him. "It was like a war zone," he said.

Then there was a scramble and he couldn't clearly see the rush of folks who went to Olsen's aid.

A video posted on YouTube showed Olsen being carried by other protesters through the tear gas, his face bloodied. People shout at him: "What's your name? What's your name?" Olsen, however, just stares back.

Shepherd said it's a cruel irony that Olsen is fighting for his life in the country that he fought to protect. "He was over there protecting the rights and freedoms of America and he comes home, exercises his "freedoms" and, it's here, where he's nearly fatally wounded," Shepherd said.

People at OPSWAT, the San Francisco security software company where Olsen works, were devastated after learning of his injuries. They described him as a humble, quiet guy who worked hard over long hours.

"He's been a big piece of what we do here and our growth strategy, so obviously it's pretty devastating for us that he's in the shape he's in," said Jeff Garon, the company's director of marketing.

Olsen had been helping to develop security applications for U.S. defense agencies, building on expertise gained while on active duty in Iraq, Garon said.

Olsen was awarded seven medals while serving in the U.S. Marine Corps, which he left as a lance corporal in November 2009 after serving for four years. One of them was the Navy-Marine Corps Achievement Medal.

Olsen moved to the Bay Area in July, and quickly found friends in the veterans against the war group. The lanky man with a dry sense of humor did not show a lot of interest in politics as a teen ? he has two tattoos for the group "Insane Clown Posse" on his upper arms, Shannon said.

His tours of duty in Iraq made him more serious, Shannon said.

"He wasn't active in politics before he went in the military, but he became active once he was out ... the experience in the military definitely shaped him," Shannon said.


Associated Press writers Dinesh Ramde in Milwaukee, Steve Szkotak in Richmond, Va., Garance Burke in San Francisco, Julie Watson in San Diego Lucas L. Johnson II in Nasvhille, Tenn., and Michelle Rindels in Las Vegas contributed to this report. Dearen reported from San Francisco.


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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Mom says son convicted of killings raped as teen (AP)

NEW HAVEN, Conn. ? The mother of a Connecticut man facing a possible death sentence for a brutal fatal home invasion broke down crying Friday as she told jurors her son was raped as a teenager and described her frantic efforts to save him after his behavior changed dramatically.

Jude Komisarjevsky said her son Joshua had run away when he was nearly 15 and when he came home, he looked transformed.

"There was tremendous pain in his expression," she said. "His eyes were absolutely dead."

Komisarjevsky was convicted of killing Jennifer Hawke-Petit and her two daughters in their Cheshire home in July 2007. The girls died of smoke inhalation after the house was doused in gas and set on fire.

He faces life in prison or the death penalty. His accomplice, Steven Hayes, is on death row.

The defense filed a motion to subpoena Komisarjevsky's 9-year-old daughter to testify, possibly by videotape. An attorney for the girl filed a motion to quash the subpoena, and a hearing is planned next week.

His mother, testifying during the sentencing phase of her son's trial, said she didn't know at the time what happened, but noticed her son grew angry and had satanic symbols in his room along with the words "death, die and suicide." She said she learned years later from her son ? when he was in prison ? that he was raped by someone he trusted.

But under cross-examination, prosecutors showed a police report on the incident that made no mention of satanic symbols and asked whether her son could have been under the influence of drugs. Komisarjevsky's mother also said she was describing an incident weeks earlier.

Prosecutors also said Komisarjevsky's defense cited the same incident a decade ago as a possibly contributing factor to 19 burglaries he committed.

Joshua Komisarjevsky was hospitalized a short time later after he set a vacant gas station on fire. The psychiatric hospital recommended he be medicated, but his mother said she was concerned about the drug's effects and that her son would abuse it.

"I wouldn't give that to an enemy," she said. "I've seen the effects of it."

The hospital also wanted to put Komisarjevsky in a program, but his mother said there were insufficient details. She also said they suggested the family give up her son for foster care.

"We weren't giving him up, we were dedicated to him," she said.

Jude Komisarjevsky said she packed suitcases and took her son to New Hampshire to get him into a religious residential treatment program.

"I didn't know what was going to happen, but we were going to save Josh," she said, sobbing.

The defense says Komisarjevsky's deeply religious family opposed psychological counseling or medications that could have helped him. The defense says he was raped for years as a child by a foster teen the family took into their home.

Jude Komisarkevsky also described an incident when her son was about 16.

"He said he saw demons and they were after him," she said.

His mother said she couldn't recall a probation officer recommending her son get a psychiatric evaluation and counseling.

Under cross-examination, she said her son may have had pending court cases when he claimed to see demons.

The defense also showed a series of letters Komisarjevsky wrote to his mother in 1999 after he joined the Army Reserves. He said he was doing well and thanked her for instilling discipline in him.

"Prayer really does work," he wrote. "I'm finding things work out better when you do it God's way."

His mother said her son went through cycles of progress followed by setbacks apparently caused by depression.

"He said because I'm not really worth anything good," she said, crying.

The family's pastor, John Bubar, testified earlier that Komisarjevsky was smart and caring as a teenager, but he admitted he saw only one side of him and was heartbroken by the crime.

Bubar said Komisarjevsky was so smart he could take apart and reassemble engines. He said he would volunteer to help others, such as the time he cut his firewood.

But under cross-examination, he described the home invasion as "horrible" and said he was heartbroken for Komisarjevsky and Dr. William Petit, the victims' husband and father and the sole survivor of the attack.

Prosecutor Michael Dearington reminded jurors that Komisarjevsky was convicted within a few years of 19 nighttime residential burglaries.

Komisarjevsky's mother detailed Christian materials she used to home-school her son. The materials focused heavily on the importance of scripture, moral purity, idolatry and, on a section on rebellion, referred to Satan's downfall.

Komisarjevsky's uncle, Chris, attended the trial Friday and said he and his wife talked to the Petit family "to express our sorrow and to apologize for this horrible crime."

"We support them 100 percent," said his wife, Reina. "Wonderful people."


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Perry says 'no doubt' Obama is an American citizen (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry said Wednesday that he has "no doubt" that President Barack Obama is an American citizen, staking out a definitive position on the matter after spending several days stoking widely debunked claims that the Democrat was born overseas.

Perry's comments come as he's struggling to right his troubled campaign, and as some Republicans question whether he's done irreparable damage to his run by dabbling in the so-called "birther" controversy in recent days.

Some Republicans privately worry that his comments about Obama's birth certificate may have endeared him to the party's conservative wing that questions the legitimacy of Obama's presidency but also may have started to marginalize the Texas governor from the larger electorate. That could put the general election at risk should Perry win the GOP nomination.

His comments certainly irked several GOP luminaries, like former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who in recent days have urged Republican presidential candidates to stop raising the issue. Others, like Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour and campaign rival Jon Huntsman say it's bad for the GOP.

"If we take our eye off the ball called debt, if we take our eye off the ball called our position in the world ? continue going with you know, two wars simultaneously ? of course we can lose it," Utah's former governor said, speaking on ABC news' political webcast "Top Line" on Wednesday. "And if we kind of begin wasting time on the nonsensical and the silly issues like birtherism."

Karl Rove, George W. Bush's political strategist, said Perry may be hurting his campaign. "You associate yourself with a nutty view like that, and you damage yourself," Rove said on Fox News.

Perhaps for that reason, Perry seemed to try to put the issue to rest in an interview with two Florida news organizations, Bay News 9's "Political Connections" in Tampa and the St. Petersburg Times.

Asked whether he had any doubt that Obama was an American citizen, Perry said: "I have no doubt about it." But he also suggested that raising the issue is "fun" and that people should "lighten up a little bit."

"I don't think I was expressing doubts," Perry said of his comments in recent days that raised questions about Obama's birthplace. "I was having some fun with Donald Trump," the real estate mogul who this summer flirted with a presidential run and stoked the "birther" talk.

Speculation about Obama's birthplace ? a way to question whether his presidency is legitimate_ has swirled among conservatives for years. As Trump fanned the issue earlier this year, Obama held a news conference to release his long-form birth certificate and try to put the issue to rest.

While other Republican presidential candidates have kept their distance on the issue, Perry deeply waded into the topic in an interview published over the weekend in Parade magazine. He was quoted as saying that he has "no reason to believe" that Obama was not born in the United States. He also said he still wasn't sure if Obama's birth certificate is legit.

"I don't have a definitive answer," Perry said in that interview. And when it was suggested that Perry ? and the world ? had seen Obama's birth certificate, Perry said: "I don't know. Have I?"

Then, in an interview with CNBC and The New York Times, Perry said the birth certificate question was "a good issue to keep alive."

"It's fun to poke him a little bit," Perry said.

And by Tuesday, Perry refused in South Carolina to answer a reporter's direct question about whether he believed Obama when he offered proof ? in the form of a birth certificate ? that he was born in Hawaii.

"I'll cut you off right there," Perry said when asked about Obama's birth certificate. "That is one of the biggest distractions that there is going. We need to be talking about jobs."

Perry also offered to release his own birth certificate, saying: "If somebody wants to see my birth certificate, I'd be happy to show it to them," Perry said. "But the fact is that this is a distraction, and Americans really don't care about that, if you want to know the truth of the matter."



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PhotoBlog: Thailand faces up to worst flooding in half a century


An elderly disabled person is evacuated from the flooded area in Bangkok's suburbs on Oct. 20, 2011.


An aerial view of a highway just outside of Bangkok, Thailand, on Thursday, Oct. 20. Thailand's Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra acknowledged Thursday that efforts to block floodwaters from entering the capital are failing and authorities will instead risk potential overflow with a controlled release of water through the city's canals.

Damir Sagolj / Reuters

Buddhist monks fill up sand bags to protect their temple from floods in Bangkok's suburbs on Oct. 20, 2011.

Natalia Jimenez writes

Thailand is currently experiencing the worst flooding in decades. Floodwaters have reached Bangkok. Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has announced that because they are not able to stop the water from entering the city, they will attempt to do controlled releases of the water. The flooding caused by monsoon rains, has already killed more than 300 people in the country and displaced millions. It is also affecting the U.S. computer industry, factories in Thailand produce a quarter of the world's hard drives.

From AP:

Western Digital has suspended its operations in Thailand. Floodwaters have affected two factories, which shut down last week. The company said its other hard drive manufacturing facilities, located in Malaysia, are fully operational. But it said flooding will have a significant impact on its ability to meet demand through the end of the year. Western Digital's Thailand operations account for more than half of the company's total hard drive output. Western Digital's stock has fallen 15 percent since the company announced its delays last week.

For the complete story: Thailand flooding could affect PC supplies, prices

For more information: Flooding fears loom large for Bangkok residents

Joan Manuel Baliellas / AFP - Getty Images

Thai people carry their belongings through floodwater in Bangkok, Thailand on Oct. 20, 2011. Thailand's premier warned Oct. 20 that it was impossible to stop the kingdom's worst floods in decades gushing into Bangkok, ordering the city's sluice gates to be opened to tackle the "national crisis."

Rungroj Yongrit / EPA

Thai residents use a boat to leave the area as cars are jammed on a bridge over a flooded highway junction outside of Bangkok, Thailand, on Oct. 20 2011.


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Friday, October 28, 2011

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Ghostbroskis: They?ve got the tools, they?ve got the talent!

Zack Ryder might be the ultimate ?Ghostbroski? on the WWE roster, but he can?t contend against the supernatural threats of the squared circle on his own. To help him ward off class-5 full torso apparitions and other pesky poltergeists, we at asked Ryder to weigh in on some ring greats that could strap on some proton packs (or ?broton packs,? in this case) and join the self-professed Internet Champion in some paranormal investigation.

1223257317001|03:56Booker T, who faced Boogeyman at WrestleMania 22

?I?ve heard I?m in his ?Fave Five,? and he?s one of my Broskis, so I guess he could be one of the ?Busters. He could do the Spinaroonie and maybe scare the ghosts into the trap, I think that would work.??




?Stone Cold? Steve Austin, who overcame The Undertaker at SummerSlam 1998

??Stone Cold? Steve Austin is my ultimate Broski. Besides hanging out in the club and hitting the gym, we could totally bust some ghosts together.??




1223257289001|04:00Edge, who captured Kane?s World Heavyweight Championship at WWE TLC 2010

?Edge would definitely be a good Ghostbroski. Maybe he could be the leader. He led myself, Curt Hawkins and a couple of other guys in La Familia. He?d be a good person to look up to and keep our head in the game while we?re catching ghosts.?



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Aspirin slashes hereditary cancer risk in UK study (Reuters)

LONDON (Reuters) ? Taking two aspirin a day for two years reduces the long-term risk of bowel cancer in people with a family history of the disease by around 60 percent, according to a British study published Friday.

The finding could also have implications for the wider population, though more research is needed to determine an ideal dose for different groups of people.

In recent years there has been an intense debate about the merits of routinely taking aspirin, which increases the risk of stomach ulcers and internal bleeding, but also protects against heart problems.

John Burn of Newcastle University believes his study -- the first randomized controlled trial into the effect of aspirin on cancer outcomes -- is a key piece of evidence validating the case for aspirin.

Previous research into cancer and aspirin, a cheap drug originally developed by Bayer more than a century ago, has been based on less robust observational studies.

Burn's study looked at people with Lynch syndrome, a genetic condition predisposing them to a range of cancers. It affects at least one in 1,000 people and around half of them develop cancer, mainly in the bowel and womb.

His data suggests that for every 10,000 cancers prevented, there could be 1,000 extra ulcers due to aspirin.

"There's a trade-off. If we could get by on a smaller dose, then we could potentially avoid a lot of those ulcers," Burn told a news conference.

For the general population, taking low-dose aspirin might be a more sensible option, and a major new multi-dose trial should shed more light on this in the next few years, he added.


Burn and colleagues studied 861 people with Lynch syndrome, who began a two-year course of either 600 milligrams a day of aspirin or a placebo between 1999 and 2005.

An initial analysis in 2007 found no difference in cancer rates between the groups. But it turned out the effect was delayed and in 2010 there was a clear divergence, with 19 new bowel cancers among those on aspirin and 34 in the placebo arm.

What is more, among those patients who stuck to the full two-year regimen of pill-taking -- some 60 percent of the total -- the effects were more pronounced, and strongly statistically significant, with a 63 percent reduction in bowel cancer cases from 23 in the placebo group versus 10 in the aspirin group.

"What we have finally shown is that aspirin has a major preventative effect on cancer but this doesn't become apparent until years later," Burn said.

How exactly aspirin provides protection is unclear, but Burn said the delayed effect suggested aspirin may hit faulty stem cells before they mutate into pre-cancerous cells.

The study, which was published online by the Lancet medical journal and part-funded by Bayer, also found some evidence of a reduction in other solid cancers linked to Lynch syndrome.

"This is a really important study showing that aspirin can significantly reduce the risk of bowel and other cancers in patients genetically at high risk of developing cancer," said Chris Paraskeva of the University of Bristol, who was not involved in the research.

In a commentary in the Lancet, Andrew Chan of Harvard Medical and Scott Lippman of the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston said the findings were "compelling" and arguably supported more general recommendations to consider aspirin for preventing bowel cancer, based on individual patients' risks.

(Reporting by Ben Hirschler; Editing by Will Waterman)


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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Google 'takedown' requests up 70 percent in U.S.

By Suzanne Choney

Police pay close attention to the videos posted on YouTube, owned by Google, and in the first six months of the year, asked Google to remove some videos law enforcement found offensive for various reasons.

The information is part of Google's "Transparency Report," done twice a year, in which Google shares basic information about requests from government agencies and courts in countries around the world seeking to remove content from Google, or asking it to turn over user data.

In the U.S., Google said the "number of content removal requests we received increased by 70 percent," and the number of user data requests increased by 29 percent, from January to June of this year, compared to the previous reporting period of July to December 2010.

"We received a request from a local law enforcement agency to remove YouTube videos of police brutality, which we did not remove," Google said in its report.

"Separately, we received requests from a different local law enforcement agency for removal of videos allegedly defaming law enforcement officials. We did not comply with those requests, which we have categorized in this Report as defamation requests."

During the most recent six-month period in the U.S., Google said it had 5,950 government requests for "disclosure of user data from Google accounts or services." The search giant fully or "partially" complied with 93 percent of those requests.


"The number of requests we receive for user account information as part of criminal investigations has increased year after year," Google said in its report. "The increase isn?t surprising, since each year we offer more products and services, and we have a larger number of users."

In China, often Google's nemesis, YouTube was inaccessible during the reporting period, and the government made three requests to remove "a total of 121 items from our services," Google said.

We removed ads that violated our AdWords policies in response to two of those requests, but did not comply otherwise. We have withheld details about one request because we have reason to believe that the Chinese government has prohibited us from full disclosure.

In India:

We received requests from state and local law enforcement agencies to remove YouTube videos that displayed protests against social leaders or used offensive language in reference to religious leaders. We declined the majority of these requests and only locally restricted videos that appeared to violate local laws prohibiting speech that could incite enmity between communities. In addition, we received a request from a local law enforcement agency to remove 236 communities and profiles from orkut that were critical of a local politician. We did not comply with this request, since the content did not violate our Community Standards or local law.

In Thailand:

We received two requests from the Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology in Thailand to remove 225 YouTube videos for allegedly insulting the monarchy in violation of Thailand's l?se-majest? law. We restricted Thai users from accessing 90 percent of the videos.

Google's Transparency Report is a fascinating, and sometimes frightening, reflection of governments' digital mindsets.

"We hope this tool will shine some light on the appropriate scope and authority of government requests to obtain user data around the globe," says Google.

Related stories:

Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on Facebook,?and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.


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7Files for Windows Streamlines Windows Explorer, Makes File Searches Easier [Windows Downloads]

7Files for Windows Streamlines Windows Explorer, Makes File Searches Easier Windows: Searching for files in Windows can be easy if you know what you're looking for and infuriating if you don't remember a file name, path, or folder location. 7Files, a free file browser for Windows 7 systems, makes searching easy by highlighting often-used files, organizing your files by date, file type, and file extension, and showing you most recently opened or modified files together for quick reference.

While 7Files doesn't explicitly allow you to tag files, it does give you common characteristics to use to organize and search your files. For example, the app allows you to quickly see all files you received or opened today, view only .png files created on a certain date, find all attachments you downloaded this week, and so on. The utility also integrates Windows search into every Explorer window.

7Files is in alpha, so keep that in mind if you choose to give it a try. It supports both 32 and 64-bit versions of Windows, and requires the .NET Framework prior to install. Have you tried 7Files already, or do you prefer another alternative file browser for Windows? Share your thoughts in the comments.
Photo by Carsten Lorentzen.

7Files | via Techdows

You can reach Alan Henry, the author of this post, at, or better yet, follow him on Twitter or Google+.


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Nokia Launches Two Windows Phones in Android Race (NewsFactor)

Nokia World is well under way in Europe, and the handset maker is rolling out a diverse lineup of new phones, including the Nokia Lumia 800 and 710. The Lumia devices are the first in Nokia's portfolio to use the Windows Phone 7 operating system.

The Lumia 800 aims to bring content to life with its design, imaging capabilities and new experiences while the Lumia 710 is a more-affordable option that competes with mid-tier Android devices.

"Since Nokia's major strategic shift only eight months ago, the company has found a new energy," said Pete Cunningham, principal analyst at Canalys. "It has provided substantial improvements to Symbian, managed to differentiate on Windows Phone and it continues to build on its strong portfolio in mobile phones. Nokia is delivering on its pledges, and is clearly demonstrating its path to future success."

Illuminating Windows Phone

With the Nokia phones, Microsoft has plenty at stake. The Lumia 800 is billed as a social phone with strong Internet performance. The phone offers one-touch social-network access, contact grouping, integrated communication threads and Internet Explorer 9.

The Lumia 800 has a 3.7-inch AMOLED ClearBlack curved display blending into the reduced body design, and a 1.4 GHz processor. The hardware includes an instant-share camera based on leading Carl Zeiss optics, HD video playback, 16GB of internal user memory and 25GB of free SkyDrive storage for storing images and music. The Nokia Lumia 800 will sell for about 420 euros.

"A lot of attention is going to be given to the high-end phone, the Lumia 800, which offers a spectacular design but otherwise provides basically a stock Windows Phone experience," said Avi Greengart, an analyst at Current Analysis, from Nokia World.

"The challenge is going to be to get people to consider a Windows Phone over Android and iPhone. But in Europe, Nokia's brand is still strong and the design of the phone is strong. I would expect they will have some success with it."

The Lumia 710 can be personalized with exchangeable back covers and thousands of apps. Nokia designed the Lumia 710 for instant social and image sharing. The Lumia 710 offers the same 1.4 GHz processor, hardware acceleration and graphics processor as the 800, but sells for only 270 euros.

"The 710 doesn't look nearly as nice as the 800 but offers a better user experience for the price," Greengart said. "At 270 euros, Nokia is competing with a lot of mid-tier Android phones, some of which are rather poor. The 710's price point and the performance beat some of the low-end Android phones that it's going to sit next to."

Nokia Gets Musical

Both Lumia smartphones include signature Nokia experiences optimized for Windows Phone, including Nokia Drive, which delivers a full-fledged personal navigation device with free, turn-by-turn navigation and dedicated in-car user interface. The phones also sport Nokia Music with MixRadio, a free, global music-streaming application with hundreds of channels.

In an update delivered later this year, Nokia Lumia users also will be able to create personalized channels from a global catalog of millions of tracks. Also integrated in Nokia Music is Gigfinder, which offers the ability to search for live local music for a complete end-to-end music experience, as well as the ability to share discoveries on social networks and buy concert tickets also coming in the Nokia Music software update delivered later this year.


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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Judge blocks Fla.'s new welfare drug testing law

In this Saturday, Sept 24, 2011, photo, Florida Gov. Rick Scott delivers his keynote address at a Florida Republican Party Presidency 5 Convention in Orlando, Fla. A federal judge temporarily blocked Florida's new law that requires welfare applicants to pass a drug test before receiving the benefits on Monday, Oct. 24, 2011. The judge said it may violate the Constitution's ban on unreasonable searches and seizures. Gov. Rick Scott was a proponent for law. (AP Photo/John Raoux)

In this Saturday, Sept 24, 2011, photo, Florida Gov. Rick Scott delivers his keynote address at a Florida Republican Party Presidency 5 Convention in Orlando, Fla. A federal judge temporarily blocked Florida's new law that requires welfare applicants to pass a drug test before receiving the benefits on Monday, Oct. 24, 2011. The judge said it may violate the Constitution's ban on unreasonable searches and seizures. Gov. Rick Scott was a proponent for law. (AP Photo/John Raoux)

(AP) ? A federal judge temporarily blocked Florida's new law that requires welfare applicants to pass a drug test before receiving benefits on Monday, saying it may violate the Constitution's ban on unreasonable searches and seizures.

Judge Mary Scriven ruled in response to a lawsuit filed on behalf of a 35-year-old Navy veteran and single father who sought the benefits while finishing his college degree, but refused to take the test. The judge said there was a good chance plaintiff Luis Lebron would succeed in his challenge to the law based on the Fourth Amendment, which protects individuals from being unfairly searched.

The drug test can reveal a host of private medical facts about the individual, Scriven wrote, adding that she found it "troubling" that the drug tests are not kept confidential like medical records. The results can also be shared with law enforcement officers and a drug abuse hotline.

"This potential interception of positive drug tests by law enforcement implicates a 'far more substantial' invasion of privacy than in ordinary civil drug testing cases," said Scriven, who was appointed by President George W. Bush.

The judge also said Florida didn't show that the drug testing program meets criteria for exceptions to the Fourth Amendment.

The injunction will stay in place until the judge can hold a full hearing on the matter. She didn't say when that hearing will be scheduled.

More than two-dozen states have also proposed drug-testing recipients of welfare or other government assistance, but Florida was the first state to enact such a law in more than a decade. Should any of those states pass a law and face a court challenge, Scriven's ultimate ruling would likely serve as a legal precedent.

The law's proponents include Gov. Rick Scott, who said during his campaign the measure would save $77 million. It's unclear how he arrived at those figures. A spokesman for the Florida Department of Children and Families deferred all comments to the governor's office.

"Drug testing welfare recipients is just a common-sense way to ensure that welfare dollars are used to help children and get parents back to work," said Jackie Schutz, a spokeswoman for Scott. "The governor obviously disagrees with the decision and he will evaluate his options regarding when to appeal."

Earlier this year, Scott also ordered drug testing of new state workers and spot checks of existing state employees under him. But testing was suspended after the American Civil Liberties Union also challenged that policy in a separate lawsuit.

Nearly 1,600 applicants have refused to take the test since testing began in mid-July, but they aren't required to say why. Thirty-two applicants failed the test and more than 7,000 have passed, according to the Department of Children and Families. The majority of positives were for marijuana.

State officials said Monday that applicants previously denied benefits for testing positive or refusing the test could reapply immediately. The Department of Children and Families will also approve all pending applications that await drug test results.

Supporters had argued applicants skipped the test because they knew they would have tested positive for drugs. Applicants must pay $25 to $35 for the test and are reimbursed by the state if they pass. It's unclear if the state has saved money.

Under the Temporary Assistance For Needy Families program, the state gives $180 a month for one person or $364 for a family of four.

Those who test positive for drugs are ineligible for the cash assistance for one year, though passing a drug course can cut that period in half. If they fail a second time, they are ineligible for three years.

Lebron, who is the sole caretaker of his 4-year-old son, said he's "happy that the judge stood up for me and my rights and said the state can't act without a reason or suspicion."

The ACLU says Florida was the first to enact such a law since Michigan tried more than a decade ago. Michigan's random drug testing program for welfare recipients lasted five weeks in 1999 before it was halted by a judge, kicking off a four-year legal battle that ended with an appeals court ruling it unconstitutional.


Kennedy reported from Miami.

Associated Press


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How To Make Your Apartment Buzzer Ring Every Phone in Your Home [Homemod]

How To Make Your Apartment Buzzer Ring Every Phone in Your HomeYou ditched your landline years ago. Smart! Because the one thing it was good at?buzzing people into your building?can be done better with your smartphone anyway. Here's how to have that buzzer ring any phone you want.

First, you'll need a Google Voice account. If you already have one, you're halfway there. If you don't have an account, here's a handy guide on how to get one. Once you've got a Google Voice number, give it to your landlord/super to program into your building's buzzer system. Now the when someone rings your apartment buzzer, the call will be routed to the Google Voice account.

How To Make Your Apartment Buzzer Ring Every Phone in Your HomeNow that your account is set up, head to the Google Voice home page, click on the gear icon in the upper right hand corner and select Settings. Under the Phones tab, add all the phones you want to ring when someone buzzes the front door of your place. Note: You can only have one Google Voice account to assigned to any one number.

Have someone ring your buzzer, and use the number that pops up on caller ID to set up a contact on your phone. Call it Front Door, Buzzer, or The Mighty Drawbridge to Camelot. It's up to you. I assigned the iOS door bell ringtone to the contact for obvious reasons.

How To Make Your Apartment Buzzer Ring Every Phone in Your HomeHead back to Google Voice and go to the Contacts menu to create a new group, by clicking on the button with two heads and a plus sign. Add your front door's number to this group. You'll use this group to determine which phones will ring when someone buzzes the front door.

How To Make Your Apartment Buzzer Ring Every Phone in Your HomeReturn to Settings in Google Voice and click on the Groups tab. Click on Edit for the Front Door group. Make sure all the phones associated with your apartment?yours, your roommate's, your girlfriend's, whoever?are checked. If you're feeling fancy, you can leave a custom greeting for your Front Door Group to inform callers that no one is home.

That's it. Now when someone arrives with piping hot pizza, they'll hit the buzzer and it'll call all the phones in your Google Voice Front Door group. Anyone can answer, let the person in, and potentially eat all your pizza.

A few bonus uses: Since you you'll be able to let someone into your building from anywhere, if a package arrives while you're away, you can have the delivery driver leave it in the building instead of leaving that stupid note that you have to sign, stick to the door, and pray that they return. Another use for your new front-door-unlocking phone is if you forget your keys. Just buzz yourself into the building and wait for a roommate to let you in your apartment. It's better than standing in the rain.

Got a great home tip? Drop me a line.

You can keep up with Roberto Baldwin, on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.


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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Argentine president sweeps to re-election win (Reuters)

BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) ? Argentina's fiery center-leftist president, Cristina Fernandez, swept to a landslide re-election victory on Sunday, crowning a comeback that seemed unthinkable for much of her turbulent first term.

With 15.5 percent of polling stations counted, official results showed Fernandez winning with 53 percent of the vote, 36 percentage points ahead of her nearest rival, Socialist Hermes Binner.

No Argentine leader has won such a big share of the vote since General Juan Domingo Peron was elected for the third time with 62 percent in 1973, and tens of thousands of jubilant Fernandez supporters packed the square in front of the famous pink presidential palace.

The scale of Fernandez's victory gives her a strong mandate to deepen the unconventional economic policies that play well with many voters but irritate investors and farmers.

Generous social spending to expand pensions coverage and child welfare benefits have won her a loyal base of voters.

"We need this victory for wealth to be shared more fairly," said Sofia Belastegui, 42, a teacher who joined crowds of supporters waving blue-and-white flags, letting off fireworks and chanting Peronist party anthems.

Sunday's result marks a dramatic change of fortunes for a leader who some critics once said might have to leave power early as angry protests by farmers and middle-class voters battered her approval ratings soon after she took office.

When her husband and predecessor as president, Nestor Kirchner, died a year ago, many thought it spelled the end of the couple's idiosyncratic blend of state intervention, nationalist rhetoric and the championing of human rights.

Instead, it prompted a wave of nostalgia for the best years of Kirchner's 2003-2007 presidency and sympathy for a woman who suddenly seemed more likable.

A skilled orator fond of glamorous clothes and make-up, Fernandez still wears black as she mourns her husband and closest advisor. His image featured heavily in her campaign.

A splintered opposition and brisk economic growth helped Fernandez turn the sympathy vote into solid support.

Despite double-digit inflation and other signs of strain as global conditions worsen, Argentina's economy is growing at about 8 percent a year and has regained some of its glory as the "breadbasket of the world" as grains shipments rise. Unemployment is at a 20-year low.

Voters with memories of the hyperinflation of the late 1980s and a severe economic crisis 10 years ago have good reason to think things could be worse than they are today.

"Crises come and go here and instability is exhausting because you make plans and they keep going to waste," said Marta Rey, 50, a teacher who voted for Fernandez's Peronist party for the first time on Sunday. "It gives me a certain security for my son and for the future."


Fernandez's easy re-election belies fierce opposition to her combative, heavy-handed style -- typical of the Peronist party that has dominated politics for decades.

"It's a complete mess ... the corruption, the inflation, lies, authoritarianism. We've got used to living like this," said Juan Tofalo, 43, a newspaper vendor in Buenos Aires.

Allegations of corruption have stalked the government for years, although there have been no convictions.

A recent crackdown on economists whose inflation estimates double the official rate of a discredited state statistics agency is typical of Fernandez's controversial methods, who some critics say resemble those of Venezuela's Hugo Chavez.

Businesses are routinely strong-armed into price control agreements -- her main weapon against surging prices -- and deals to increase their exports as the trade surplus dwindles.

When a leading newspaper and cable news channel owned by the Grupo Clarin conglomerate criticized her handling of farmer protests, Fernandez hit back. The company was stripped of a key operating license and "Clarin Lies" posters appeared across the capital.

In 2008, at the height of the global financial crisis, Fernandez stunned financial markets by nationalizing private pensions. A year later, she fired the head of the central bank when he refused to hand over foreign reserves to pay debt.

Such measures, coupled with high inflation and lax monetary and fiscal policy are dimly viewed on Wall Street, where economists say Latin America's third-biggest economy could be heading for a hard landing as global conditions sour.

Few analysts think she will change course unless she is forced to by a sharp slowdown in neighboring powerhouse Brazil or lower prices for Argentina's key exports of corn and soy.

Fernandez has outlined few concrete policy proposals, vowing only to "deepen the model."

"We know very little (about her plans)," said Mariel Fornoni, a pollster at the Management & Fit consulting firm. "It's turned into a kind of absolute rule. Cristina decides everything."

(Additional reporting by Alejandro Lifschitz, Hugh Bronstein, Juliana Castilla and Luis Andres Henao; Writing by Helen Popper, Editing by Sandra Maler)


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Monday, October 24, 2011

Climate change: What we do ? and don't ? know

There is much we do not understand about Earth's climate. That is hardly surprising, given the complex interplay of physical, chemical and biological processes that determines what happens on our planet?s surface and in its atmosphere.

Despite this, we can be certain about some things. For a start, the planet is warming, and human activity is largely responsible. But how much is Earth on course to warm by? What will the global and local effects be? How will it affect our lives?

In these articles, Michael Le Page sifts through the evidence to provide a brief guide to what we currently do ? and don't ? know about the planet's most burning issue.


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