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Instructor: O. Nathan Ronen, CFA

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Monday, September 24, 2012

Atlanta Mayor: Romney a ?defective? candidate

By Jonathan Terbush
Sunday, September 23, 2012 15:51 EDT


Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed (D) said on Sunday?s Meet the Press that Mitt Romney?s comments about the 47 percent of Americans who pay no income tax show once again that the candidate is ?defective,? comparing Romney to a race car driver who is constantly grinding along the track?s wall.

During the panel discussion, top Romney advisor Bay Buchanan said the remarks, which were secretly videotaped earlier this year and released last week by Mother Jones, were being mischaracterized. Not so, Reed said. Instead, he argued that the statement clearly showed Romney dissing half of the nation.

?I don?t even think that this is a question of mischaracterization,? he said. ?All you have to do is listen to the whole piece. His comments were terrible. What he implied were that there 47 percent of the people are basically freeloaders.?

Reed then added that actions like that were not?aberrations, but were rather the hallmark of the entire Romney campaign.

?The best analysis of this election this year that I?ve heard was from a Republican friend that I was having dinner with,? Reed said. ?He said that this guy is defective. He said he?s like being a bad NASCAR driver on a rich team. He said no matter how good the car is, no matter how bad the pit crew is, the driver has got to drive the car. And this guy puts it on the wall every single time.?

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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Discovering Art in Chicago: Pilsen Open Studio Fundraiser Gala

On October 21st and 22nd of this year, the Pilsen arts community will be holding its 10th annual Pilsen Open Studios art walk, a locally produced, premier event that is apart of Chicago's Artist Month. This past Saturday, September 15th at the National Museum of Mexican Art on 19th Street, community volunteers came together to raise money in support of the Pilsen Open Studio event. The Pilsen Open Studio Fundraiser Gala was an production held by the artists and who will be involved in the Pilsen Open Studio art walk this October as well as other community partners who donated their time, money and services to this cause. There was free food, drink and entertainment including flamingo dancers and a live band.

Tickets sold prior to the evening and at the door all helped fund the event as well as funding the art walk this October. The most exciting part of the evening was that the artists participating in the art walk donated a wonderful range of visual art that was available for bidding at reduced prices at a silent auction that was ongoing throughout the night. These artists donated paintings, prints, sculptures and hand crafted jewelry. The funds raised at the auction were given back to help the Pilsen Open Studio art walk. The fundraiser gala was a huge success helping promote a vast majority of locally based Pilsen artists as well as raising a huge amount of money that will go to helping promote art in the Pilsen Community. The gala was a wonderful expression of Pilsen's culture and community celebrating its roots in Mexican and Latino culture, visual and performing arts.?


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Dark energy camera opens its eyes

The highest-resolution camera ever built has begun its quest to pin down the mysterious stuff that makes up nearly three-quarters of our Universe.

The Dark Energy Survey's 570-million-pixel camera will scan some 300 million galaxies in the coming five years.

The goal is to discover the nature of dark energy, which is theorised to be responsible for the ever-faster expansion of the Universe.

Its first image, taken 12 September, focussed on the Fornax galaxy cluster.

In time, along with its massive haul of individual galaxies, it will study 100,000 galaxy clusters - the largest stable structures we know of - and 4,000 supernovae, the bright dying throes of stars.

This enormous survey is a collaboration between US, UK, Brazilian, Spanish and German astronomers.

The phone box-sized Dark Energy Camera or DECam is mounted on the 4m Victor M Blanco telescope at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile's Atacama desert.

DECam is particularly sensitive to red and infrared light, to better study cosmic objects as distant as eight billion light-years away.

More distant objects are moving away from us - and each other - faster than nearer objects, which causes a shift of their apparent colour toward the red end of the spectrum - a "redshift".

Continue reading the main story

What is redshift?

  • The term "redshift" arises from the fact that light from more distant objects shows up on Earth more red than when it left its source
  • The colour shift comes about because of the Doppler effect, which acts to "stretch" or "compress" waves from moving objects
  • It is at work in the sound of a moving siren: an approaching siren sounds higher-pitched and a receding one sounds lower-pitched
  • In the case of light, approaching objects appear more blue and receding objects appear more red
  • The expansion of the Universe is accelerating, so in general, more distant objects are moving away from us (and each other, and everything else) more quickly than nearer ones
  • At cosmic distances, the shift can profoundly affect the colour - the factor by which the wavelength is "stretched" is called the redshift

Careful studies of the shifted light from distant supernovae were what first demonstrated this expansion, leading to the 2011 Nobel prize in physics.

What is believed to be causing this increase in the speed of expansion is called dark energy, making up more than 70% of the "stuff" of the Universe and the focus of the DECam's mission.

Other efforts hope to get to the bottom of the mystery, including the Boss survey and a future space telescope dediated to the effort called Euclid.

But for now, Will Percival from the University of Portsmouth, a Dark Energy Survey collaborator, said DECam is an exciting prospect.

"This will be the largest galaxy survey of its kind, and the galaxy shapes and positions will tell us a great deal about the nature of the physical process that we call dark energy, but do not currently understand," he said.

The survey will tackle the problem in four ways.

It will study the same kind of supernovae that led to the Nobel prize, in a bid to unravel the "expansion history" of the Universe - when its expansion increased and decreased over billions of years.

It will also map out in 3D the distribution of galaxy clusters, measuring what are known as baryon acoustic oscillations - literally relics of the sound echoes of the Big Bang.

Continue reading the main story

Dark energy and dark matter mysteries

  • Gravity acting across vast distances does not seem to explain what astronomers see
  • Galaxies, for example, should fly apart; some other mass must be there holding them together
  • Astrophysicists have thus postulated "dark matter" - invisible to us but clearly acting on galactic scales
  • At the greatest distances, the Universe's expansion is accelerating
  • Thus we have also "dark energy" which acts to drive the expansion, in opposition to gravity
  • The current theory holds that 73% of the Universe is dark energy, 23% is dark matter, and just 4% the kind of matter we know well

By counting the clusters and plotting out when they evidently formed, the survey can feed back to computer models that map out how we think the Universe organised itself in its earliest years.

And studies of the way galaxies and galaxy clusters bend passing light - in a process called weak gravitational lensing - will help to pin down the equally mysterious "dark matter" that is believed to make up more than 80% of the Universe's mass.

DECam will now be run through a series of tests and will begin the official survey in December.

With each snapshot it acquires, it will see an apparent area of the sky 20 times larger than the full moon.

In its full five-year run, it should capture an eighth of the full sky.

"The achievement of first light through the Dark Energy Camera begins a significant new era in our exploration of the cosmic frontier," said James Siegrist, associate director of science for high-energy physics at the US Department of Energy, which oversaw the instrument's construction.

"The results of this survey will bring us closer to understanding the mystery of dark energy and what it means for the Universe."


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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

China reins in rowdy anti-Japan demonstrations

BEIJING (AP) ? China moved to tamp down rising anti-Japan sentiment after a weekend of sometimes violent demonstrations, threatening Monday to arrest lawbreakers and scrubbing websites of protest-related images and posts.

But Japanese businesses were taking no chances, with restaurants and shops in Beijing, including popular clothing retailer Uniqlo, closed on Monday. Factories belonging to electronics maker Panasonic, two of which were damaged over the weekend, also were shut.

More demonstrations were expected Tuesday, the anniversary of a 1931 incident that Japan used as a pretext to invade Manchuria before World War II. Officials in at least one district of Beijing advised Japanese businesses not to open on Tuesday, Japan's Kyodo News agency reported.

Tensions have been growing for months in the dispute over ownership of a string of uninhabited islands in the East China Sea called the Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China. Those came to a head last week when the Japanese government said it was purchasing some of the islands from their private owner to thwart a Japanese politician's plans to buy and develop them.

China reacted angrily, sending marine patrol ships inside Japanese-claimed waters around the islands, which Tokyo has administered since 1972. Some state media urged Chinese to show their patriotism by boycotting Japanese goods and canceling travel to Japan.

Protests flared in cities across China over the weekend, with occasional outbreaks of violence, including the torching and looting of Japanese-invested factories and shops. They were the largest anti-Japanese demonstrations since 2005, reflecting ever-present anger toward Tokyo that periodically bursts to the surface.

China's authoritarian government rarely allows protests and the wave of anti-Japanese demonstrations clearly received a degree of official approval. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said Monday that Japan should be mindful of the Chinese public's feelings and return to the negotiating table.

"The Chinese people have expressed strong indignation," Hong told reporters at a regular briefing. "Whether the Japanese side can take seriously China's firm stance and the Chinese people's call for justice and whether they can take the correct attitude and action will determine how the situation develops."

Authorities, however, are walking a tightrope between allowing citizens to vent and losing control of the protests, which could then turn against the government.

By Monday, authorities were clamping down.

In the western city of Xi'an, police issued an order banning large-scale protests in commercial areas, districts with large populations, and anywhere near government offices. The statement also warned that the use of mobile texting or online messaging to organize illegal demonstrations was forbidden.

In the southern city of Guangzhou, police said they arrested seven people for attacking cars and three for vandalizing shops.

"The Guangzhou police would like to remind the public to be rational while being patriotic. Demonstrations must proceed according to law," police said in a statement.

Police in the eastern port of Qingdao, where protesters torched a Panasonic factory and Toyota dealership, also reported arrests.

Authorities also tried to rein in online sentiment, with searches for posts or images related to the demonstrations met with an error message on China's Twitter-like Sina Weibo microblogging site. Users who posted related content saw their material deleted by censors.

The tightened security follows demands from Japan that China ensure the safety of Japanese citizens and businesses. Japanese media have reported at least six incidents of Japanese citizens being attacked.

About 60 people protested Monday outside the Japanese Embassy in Beijing, far outnumbered by around 1,000 security personnel.

However, the end of the annual East China Sea fishing ban could raise new frictions. Thousands of fishing boats left ports on Sunday, many of them headed for waters near the disputed islands.

Protests were expected Tuesday in a number of cities to mark the anniversary of the Mukden Incident, the bombing of a railway in northeastern China in 1931 that was staged by Japan for a pretext to invade.

Meanwhile, state media moved to temper its rhetoric.

On Monday, the Beijing Morning Post, the Global Times and other state newspapers warned against irrational displays of patriotism and violence.

"Violent protests should never be condoned," the Global Times said in an online commentary. "Violence can only weaken the current campaign against Japan."


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Sizing up a new measuring ruler for solar system

The sun still shines as bright, but according to the International Astronomical Union (IAU), its precise distance from us has just changed.

At a recent meeting of the IAU in Beijing, China, members unanimously voted to redefine the astronomical unit, or AU, which has long served as the fundamental unit of distance between objects in the solar system. According to the voters, the official definition of the AU is now exactly 149,597,870,700 metres, and the unit should be written "au".

Historically, calculating the astronomical unit was based on the average distance between Earth and the sun, or 149,597,870,691 metres. An amendment in 1976 complicated things by also tying the unit to the sun's mass.

Although the recent decision doesn't alter the value by much, it simplifies things and should improve the accuracy of distance measurements over time.

"The old definition was good when we were not able to measure distance precisely in the solar system," says Sergei Klioner of the Technical University of Dresden, Germany, who has been calling for the change since 2005.

With current technology, astronomers can measure distances directly with lasers and space probes, making it possible to give exact values in astronomical units.

Pain to explain

For the past 36 years the formal definition for the astronomical unit has been calculated using the Gaussian gravitational constant, a figure that depends on the mass of the sun. But astronomers know that the sun is constantly losing mass as it radiates energy, which technically changes the value of the AU over time.

Defining the unit as a set number fixes this problem and brings it in line with the effects of general relativity, says Klioner.

"The old definition was conceived in Newtonian physics," he says. Under Einstein's view of the universe, all distances are relative depending on where you are, making the Earth-sun distance meaningless without specifying your current reference frame. "If you use several reference frames, you have to ask which one the old AU is in."

In addition, the metre itself is defined as the distance travelled by light in a vacuum in one-299,792,458th of a second. The speed of light is fixed in all reference frames and is unaffected by the changing mass of the sun, so giving the astronomical unit a set value in metres means that it will no longer waver.

The redefinition could have been done much earlier, but some astronomers did not want things to change, Klioner adds.

"I've been teaching celestial mechanics for 20 years and it was always a pain to explain the old definition. It was clear that it was unnecessarily complicated," he says. "I'm happy that I don't have to explain this any longer."

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Monday, September 17, 2012

Video: Take Two: Bob Woodward

A Second Take on Meeting the Press: From an up-close look at Rachel Maddow's sneakers to an in-depth look at Jon Krakauer's latest book ? it's all fair game in our "Meet the Press: Take Two" web extra. Log on Sundays to see David Gregory's post-show conversations with leading newsmakers, authors and roundtable guests. Videos are available on-demand by 12 p.m. ET on Sundays.


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Ambassador Rice: Benghazi attack began spontaneously

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice recaps the causes and effects of recent violence against Americans in the Middle East.

By NBC News staff and wire services

The attack that killed four Americans at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, apparently began as a spontaneous protest against an anti-Islam film before turning violent, Susan Rice, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said Sunday.

Rice, appearing in NBC?s ?Meet the Press,? said she was citing preliminary information and that the FBI was investigating the Tuesday night attack that killed the U.S. ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, and three others.

Libyan officials are holding 30 to 40 suspecting in the deadly attack of a the US embassy in Libya. NBC's Ayman Mohyeldin reports.

A wave of protests and violence has swept across the Middle East and elsewhere in the Muslim world over an obscure, amateurish movie called "Innocence of Muslims" that depicts Muhammad as a fraud, a womanizer and a pedophile. Anti-U.S. protests in 20 countries led the Pentagon to dispatch elite Marine antiterrorism teams to Libya and Yemen and to position two Navy warships off Libya's coast.

Meanwhile, the State Department ordered all nonessential U.S. government workers and their families out of Sudan and Tunisia. In Lebanon, protesters torched an American fast-food restaurant. Even as tensions appeared to?ease over the?weekend, al-Qaida's most active Mideast branch was calling for further attacks on U.S. embassies.

"There's no question, as we've seen in the past with things like 'The Satanic Verses,' with the cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad, there have been such things that have sparked outrage and anger and this has been the proximate cause of what we've seen," Rice said.

?What happened in Benghazi was in fact initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in Cairo, almost a copycat of the demonstrations against our facility in Cairo, prompted by the video,? Rice said.

More from "Meet the Press": Israeli PM tries to strike more neutral pose in U.S. election?

Protesters in Cairo had breached the walls of the U.S. Embassy and tore down the American flag.

In Benghazi, Rice told ?Meet the Press? host David Gregory, ?Opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this was unfolding, they came with heavy weapons, which unfortunately are readily available in post-revolutionary Libya, and it escalated into a much more violent episode.?


There was ?no actionable intelligence? that the attack in Benghazi was imminent, Rice said. The attack overwhelmed security in place at the consulate, she said.

Rice?s comments came a day after Libyan President Mohammed Magarief told NBC News that ?foreigners? were involved in the planning and execution of the attack.

He expanded on the assertion Sunday, saying on CBS? "Face the Nation" that about 50 people, not all Libyans, have been arrested in connection with the Benghazi attack, which he said was planned by al-Qaida-linked foreigners, some from Mali and Algeria.

Magarief said there was little doubt the assault was planned rather than a spontaneous reaction to the video, as came on the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the U.S.

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He said the security situation in Libya remained "difficult" for Americans, as well as for Libyans. The United States wants the FBI to investigate the consulate attack, but Magarief said it may be too soon to send in investigators.

"It may be better for them to stay away for a little while until we do what we have to do ourselves," he said.

Rice told "Meet the Press" that the U.S. is working with authorities in Libya, which has received $200 million in U.S. aid?since 2011,?to bring to justice those responsible for the attack.

This article includes reporting by Reuters.

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Soyuz Capsule Touchdown: US, Russian Space Trio Lands In Kazakhstan

ALMATY, Kazakhstan ? An international three-man crew onboard a Russian-made Soyuz capsule touched down successfully on the cloudless central Kazakhstan steppe Monday morning after 123 days at the International Space Station.

A fleet of Russian Mi-8 helicopters deployed from towns near the landing site ahead of the capsule's arrival early Monday morning local time to intercept the capsule.

NASA's Joe Acaba and Russian colleagues Gennady Padalka and Sergei Revin undocked from the orbiting laboratory some 3 1/2 hours before touchdown.

The Soyuz craft remains the only means for international astronauts to reach the space station since the decommissioning of the U.S. Shuttle fleet in 2011.

The size of the three-person complement currently at the space station will be doubled when they are joined next month by U.S. astronaut Kevin Ford and Russians Oleg Novitsky and Yevgeny Tarelkin.

Padalka, who piloted the Soyuz craft back to Earth, was the first to be pulled out of the capsule, which rolled onto its side after coming down softly in the flat Kazakh countryside some 85 kilometers (50 miles) north of the town of Arkalyk.

Upon their return, astronauts are typically lifted onto reclining chairs to ensure comfortable acclimatization after months of living in gravity-free conditions.

Looking relaxed and smiling broadly while sipping a mug of tea, Padalka waved at cameras that descended on the site almost immediately after landing.

With this mission complete, Padalka becomes the fourth most seasoned space traveler, having spent 711 days in space over four missions.

"I feel great," Padalka told attending recovery staff, before thanking colleagues for their assistance in his mission.

Acaba, who followed Revin out of the prone Soyuz capsule, gave the thumbs up sign as he was being lifted to his reclining chair and said: "It's good to be home."

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Friday, September 14, 2012

URMC Study links vitamin D, race, and cardiac death | Health ...

The researchers sought to understand the well-documented disparities between whites and blacks in cardiovascular deaths. They turned to vitamin D because of evidence the relationship ever lower serum levels of D for many serious diseases, including kidney and heart disease.A review article published in September 2009 in the Journal of Medicine found that vitamin D deficiency is a global health problem. United States, vitamin D deficiency has been reported in about 36 % of healthy young adults and about 57 % of patients hospitalized in general medicine.

People get vitamin D in their diet, sun exposure, and oral supplements. Genetic factors common to black, sometimes prevent the absorption of vitamin D, such as increased incidence, can eliminate the foods milk enriched with vitamin D, and darker skin pigment, which significantly reduces the production of vitamin D.

Most body tissues and cells have receptors for vitamin D, making it a powerful regulator of cellular activity and growth. Deficiency contributes to the inflammation associated with heart disease, bone health, and many poor.

?Therefore, our study suggests that the next step would be to take action to increase levels of vitamin D safely, with supplements,? said Fiscella, a national expert on disparities in health care and teacher of family and Community Medicine and Preventive Medicine at URMC.

deficiency may contribute to a greater number of strokes and heart-related deaths among African-Americans than whites, according to the University of Rochester Medical Center.

Others at risk are obese and the elderly , because vitamin D levels decline with age. And even if the most sun exposure may increase the levels of D, is also a growing risk for many people. As a result, medical authorities generally recommend a higher dose and / or supplements as the best way to correct a deficiency.

Annals of Family Medicine study published in the January-February edition, which goes online Jan. 11, 2010.

Vitamin D is metabolized in the liver and converted to 25-hydroxyvitamin D or 25 D, the form used to determine the status of a person with a blood test. The deficit is generally defined by levels below 20 nanograms per milliliter, 30 ng / ml is considered sufficient. The average blood level in the study sample was 29.

However, Adesman noted that 972 children, about three-quarters of those who failed the screening room waiting, or have not been forwarded for further evaluation or not followed by further testing.

The author Kevin Fiscella, MD, said a series of complex genetic and lifestyle factors among blacks may explain why this population has a deficiency of vitamin D throughout life compared to other breeds.


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Report: US military attack on Iran would shake regime but also risk all-out Mideast war


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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Great Prostate Cancer Challenge Held Sunday ? CBS Baltimore

BALTIMORE (WJZ) ? Prostate cancer strikes thousands of men every year, but going out and getting tested can very well be the difference between life and death. For that reason, WJZ is a proud sponsor of the 6th Annual Great Prostate Cancer Challenge. Tim Williams has more on this year?s event.

It?s a sad but unnecessary truth: this year alone, more than 28,000 men will die from prostate cancer. One in six men are affected by in their lifetime. But there are local efforts underway to stop those numbers in their tracks. For the sixth straight year, WJZ has joined Chesapeake Urology, The Baltimore Sun, Magic 95.9 and Towson University for the Great Prostate Cancer Challenge 5K race and one mile walk to raise funds for prostate cancer research, awareness and free screenings for men in the Baltimore community.

?The message is 30,000 men will die of prostate cancer and many of those men, most of those men, if they were to have been found early, if they would have been screened early, they had a greater chance of being cured,? said Dr. Sandford Siegel, Chesapeake Urology.

This is one in a series of awareness efforts throughout the year. Just last month, free screenings at a west Baltimore church drew hundreds. Men 40 and older are encouraged to get checked yearly because a man dies every 18 minutes from the disease.

Survivors say the test is simple and the peace of mind is invaluable.

?Had some damage but it?s been corrected. But my point is that if you catch it in time, it?s very, very curable,? said prostate cancer survivor Phil Shulka.

?My dad also was a prostate cancer survivor so those are signs that, for men who have prostate cancer in their family, it?s important to get checked,? said prostate cancer survivor Robert Ginyard.

And you don?t have to wait until next year to do it.

As part of our continuing community commitment, WJZ is a proud sponsor of the Great Prostate Challenge.


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Looking for pest control Sydney should not be hard for you if you have a few tips about how to go about it. If your home is infested by roaches, rodents and other pests, you need to take some drastic action because if you do not, they just might do irreparable damage. The good news is that this need not happen to you because there are the experts who can handle that kind of job for you. You need to make sure that you know all you can about the best service providers so that you get the best one. The good news is that you will not regret doing that as you will get more than enough value for money.

Many companies offer pest control Sydney and therefore finding the best one may be a hassle especially since they all claim to be the best. It is important that you get what you need and that the service that you hire gives you great value for money. You will find what you need and best of all, the pest control team that you choose should be able to assure you that the pests will never come back again.

Does the termite Sydney company that you have in mind have any experience? If it has been in the market for a long time, it will do a very good job and the good thing is that you will have rid your home of scum. Look for skill because that means that the company will use the best products to get rid of the pests. There is a solution for everyone and the more that you know about what you will get the better able you will be to make sure that you get good value for money.

Do not ever think that you can do your own pest control because you cannot. It is complicated and it requires one to use the right products for the job. Most likely, yours is going to be an occasional job. Chances are that you will not need the products and therefore if you buy them and you do not use them again, that will be wastage. It is better to let the Termite Sydney team do the job for you. It will give you more than enough value for money.

Looking for pest control Sydney options need not be hard at all because you can do it from the comfort of home. Just search on the internet and you will find what you need very fast. The good thing is that online, you can compare all the user reviews that you see there and you will know what other people thought about the service. If they liked it, you too will. Do not take chances when hiring a good team to come "cleanse" your home for you. Remember that pests will wreak havoc. Termites will even fell whole houses. Call termite Sydney control and you will be assisted. Do not wait too long. Move fast to avoid damage.

You can find more information about pest control Sydney if you visit This is not blind buying because after you see the services on offer, you can ask them to come over and work on your house.

Contact the Author

Barry Fair
Barry Fair's web site

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New Genealogy Blogs September 8, 2012 | GeneaBloggers

new genealogy blogs

There are 13 newly-discovered genealogy and family-history related blogs that we?ve located this week. Remember to try and help out these new blogs by:

  • using any follow?feature listed on the blog
  • adding them to your blog reader
  • adding a comment on their blog saying ?hi? and ?welcome?

Here are this week?s new listings:

a genealogy journal

A Genealogy Journal, Tracing My Italian Ancestors
Blog type: Individual family history

My mother was Corinne Del Principe Winike, her father was Gilberto Guy Del Principe. My great grandparents were Pietro Del Principe and Elvira Ciolli.

I always had an interest in our family genealogy. I am part of large Italian family; one of eight children. My parents moved out of the Chicago suburbs in 1958 and had their dream home built. My grandfather, who was by then a widower, moved in with us and lived in our home for the rest of his life. In the mid 1960?s my family converted the upstairs bedrooms into an apartment and my father?s parents moved in upstairs. How lucky were we kids, to have two grandfathers and one grandmother live with us?

In 2000 my husband, daughter, sister and I spent two weeks in Italy. It was my dream to visit the town where my ancestors came from. My mother thought our ancestors were from a town called L?Aquila so that is the town we toured on our vacation. We climbed the hills and reveled in the beauty.

We purchased souvenirs from L?Aquila and took hundreds of pictures. At the end of the day my sister and I sat on a bench in the town square and talked of our ancestors walking across these same brick pathways to do their shopping. What a sense of familiarity we felt sharing the same space, but different time, with our ancestors!

In 2010 my husband and I took a trip to Utah stopping at Salt Lake City and we went into the Family History Library. I spent a few hours researching and my head was swimming with ideas about creating a website and building a family tree. When we returned home I signed up for an account at I made my first entrees with my family names. Soon I had little leaves shaking at me, enticing me to ?click here?.

In the past two years I?ve met an astounding number of new family members that I didn?t know I had! I also discovered family members who live in Pescasseroli, Italy. It turns out that my great grandparents were born in Pescasseroli, not in L?Aquila. Darn, this could only mean one thing. A return trip to Italy would have to be scheduled.

I appreciate everyone?s help with information and photos. I welcome any new documents, photos, and comments. ?You can email me at [email?protected]

attracting 21ster genealogists

Attracting 21st-er Genealogists
Blog type: Genealogy education, Technology blog

Undefined by age, a 21st-er has embraced technology and expects to use all sorts of technological tools in their family history research. How can traditional genealogical societies adapt and appeal to this new kind of genealogist? Let?s share ideas and gain feedback on what works, enabling our genealogical societies to prosper in this century.

cross connections

Cross Connections
Blog type: Individual family history

A bit about me and why I am geneablogging:

My 2nd great grandmother, Mary Jane (Boroff) Cross moved to the Northwest corner of Iowa with her 5 sons after the death of her husband, Basil Noah Cross in 1885.? Of the five boys, my great grandfather, Henry Cross, stayed in Clay County, Iowa where I was born and raised on a farm just a few miles from where he lived so many years ago.

I have always loved history and I was raised with a keen sense of who my immediate family was from Grandpa Henry to present.? But I wanted to know who came before, so a little over 30 years ago I started researching my family tree.

In this blog I will share that journey and the interesting people I found along the way, from the Midwest back to Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York and finally England on my father?s side.? On my mother?s side the concentration is Texas, Kentucky, and North Carolina where a Texas Ranger, a Baptist preacher, a chief of police from San Antonio and quite a few Confederates join the story.

I have recently started researching my grandchildren?s paternal side which has taken me into totally new areas as my son-in-law descends from French Canadians.? So from time to time you learn of the Courchene family with their New England and Canadian roots.

This will primarily be a genealogy blog, but from time to time I may share a few of the other things that interest me.

I have a lot of questions still waiting to be answered and the research continues.? So come along with me, as I journey back into my past, one ancestor at a time.

family bookmarks

Family Bookmarks
Blog type: Australian genealogy, Individual family history

Maybe you?re visiting this blog for the first time ? well, this where I talk about Richard J Loveday, my Great, Great grandfather.

I am the fourth generation Loveday male of this line and was fortunate enough to have been left a wonderful FamilyHistory book from my father George in 1977. Since then I have added to the wealth of knowledge about the Loveday family and continually keep looking for more.

In 1846 Richard and wife Bridget and three children, Ann, Richard and Thomas boarded the ?Royal George? in England and sailed for Port Adelaide, arriving on a cold day,? June 26th 1847.

Richard was 29 years of age on arrival and served with the British Colonial Government as a Royal Sapper & Miner for 11 years from 1847-1858.

During this period his wife, Bridget Ann died of cancer on July 15th 1852 and he subsequently married Susannah Sarah Sadgrove on May 5th, 1853. Six children were born of this marriage; Alice Susannah, Henry George Sadgrove, Alexander William, Emily Agnes, Frances Jane, Ernest Alfred.

On the 1st. January 1859, when a pensioner of Royal Sappers & Miners, he was a appointed to Post Lithographer, 1st Class, in the Department of Survey in the State Government of South Australia, established 1854, and later he was transferred to Field Staff of Department of survey as a Surveyor on January 1st.1860.

In the year 1868, R.J.Loveday, Surveyor was domiciled in the District of Hindmarsh, ie. Reedbeds (Findon) where the last five of his children of the second marriage, were born. (Adelaide Almanac)

It is surmised that about this time ? 1875-80 ? R.J.Loveday moved to Salisbury where he remained until his death on December 15th 1883. The Medical Report shows the cause of death to be Bright?s disease

He was buried in Church of England cemetery, Salisbury, where his wife Susannah Sarah was later buried on March 31st. 1905.?? The grave and headstone were in excellent condition in 1977.

Richard John Loveday left his wife Susannah, 6 sons and 5 daughters

Whatever, I?m glad you?re here, and invite you to wander around and explore all you want.

family history tips and tricks

Family History Tips n? Tricks
Blog type: Genealogy education

I plan on creating tutorials or just posting tricks on family history. I will focus on free resources or explaining in layman?s terms easy ways to? begin or advance a person?s family history.

from grandpas filing cabinet

From Grandpa?s Filing Cabinet
Blog type: Individual family history

Recently, I have been going through my grandfather?s filing cabinets as I help my grandmother clean out their home. I?ve stumbled upon all sorts of little interesting tidbits, photos and things that he has written. I made this blog to share them. Enjoy!

genealogias canarias

Genelogias Canarias (Canary Island Genealogy)
Blog type: Spain genealogy

Te damos la bienvenida a GENEALOG?AS CANARIAS, un espacio dedicado a la historia familiar de los pobladores de las Islas Canarias, de sus or?genes o descendencia m?s all? de sus fronteras. Aspiramos a reunir en este lugar art?culos que nos ayuden a conocer la gente de nuestra tierra en siglos precedentes. Si quieres colaborar, env?anos tu trabajo por correo-e. Vuelve cada vez que tengas ganas. Aqu? te esperamos.

Translation (via Google Translate): Welcome to Canary Island Genealogy, a space dedicated to the family history of the inhabitants of the Canary Islands, their origins or ancestry beyond their borders. We aim to bring together in this place articles that help us to know the people of our country in previous centuries. If you want to help, send your work by email. Come back whenever you feel like. We are waiting here for you!

interesting old newspaper articles

Interesting Old Newspaper Articles
Blog type: Research

Because of many years researching genealogy, I have spent an inordinate amount of time reading historical newspapers.? More times than I can count, I have been sidetracked away from my original goal (an obituary, wedding announcement, etc) by a particularly interesting story.? Whether it?s about the man with the wooden leg who started a fire, advertisements claiming their product can cure everything from a cough to a arthritis to baldness, or more serious subjects relating to long forgotten obituaries, or politics of the time, each gives a unique view into our history.? I will be attempting to capture some of that here, in this blog.? Should be fun to see what we can discover!

letters from lee

Letters From Lee
Blog type: Individual family history

As we were cleaning out some of my grandparents? (maternal) things a few months ago I found several cigar boxes packed full of letters. They turned out to be letters that my grandfather had written to my grandmother and they spanned from 1932 to 1952. They were high school sweethearts but went to different colleges and many of the letters were during that separation. My grandfather?s work took him away from home often later on and the rest of the letters cover that time period.

I started this blog to share them and to eventually be able to turn them into a book for relevant family members. My grandfather passed away ten years ago and my grandmother about three years ago. This is a really special way to get to know a part of their lives that I wasn?t around for.

reaching the heartwood

Reaching the Heartwood
Blog type: Individual family history

I am a twenty-something recent graduate with a passion for genealogy. I grew up learning about and loving genealogy, and I started my own family history research more than two years ago. My research is focused primarily in New England and Qu?bec.

Ever since I was a kid, I?ve had a fascination with genealogy and family history. I was the 10-year-old who went on family vacations to places like Gettysburg and Plymouth. For a long time I was content listening to my dad?s theories and latest research, but I was also incredibly excited to help out whenever I could.

Just over two years ago I began my own family history quest. I?m fortunate enough to still have both of my parents around as resources, but I?ve primarily been blazing my own research path. School kept me busy for a while, but I have a lot more time now to dedicate to genealogy and blogging.

By starting this blog, I hope to share both my personal family history knowledge and research skills with other members of the genealogy community while learning new tricks and meeting new people along the way.

Welcome to Reaching the Heartwood!

russell county alabama genealogy

Russell County, Alabama Genealogy
Blog type: Alabama genealogy

This blog will follow my efforts to locate the burial locations of my ancestors. This will include the search for the ones buried in Russell County and the ones that are buried elsewhere. I am always searching for more info sources and I will post them here when I find them. If you wish to share a source, I would be happy to hear from you! Thanks for visiting!

teris queries

Teri?s Queries
Blog type: Individual family history

White and Chaffin Family History is my record of my search for ancestors here in the United States and their countries of origin. Genealogy is a long time passion of mine and I hope you will join me.

I am a fifty-something Mother, wife, grandmother, student, and fulltime HIT worker who has been working on my family history for at least three decades. I love the search and love the discoveries even more! I would be happy to work with anyone interested in the same families!

trails to texas

Trails to Texas
Blog type: Individual family history, Texas genealogy

Welcome to my blog, Trails To Texas. I hope you enjoy the photos and stories about my family, both my blood kin as well as my in-laws, and maybe some shirt-tailed cousins and just good friends whose families somehow made it to Texas. Please don?t hesitate to send me your photos, stories, and suggestions.

If you are interested in seeing the Cooper-Bird-Sauls-Thorp & Associated Families Tree on, send me an email and I will make you a member so you can see the living people. At this time I have about 14,000 people in the tree, with over 1,500 photos and documents posted. As a contributor you can post photos and stories about our common ancestors and relatives on the tree.

? 2012, copyright Thomas MacEntee


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Amazon Silk browser on Kindle Fire tracks page visits to generate trends, isn't as spooky as it sounds (update: opt-out exists)

Amazon Silk browser on Kindle Fire tracks page visits to generate trends, isn't as spook

When you pick up that new Kindle Fire HD this fall, one of the first things you'll notice is an updated version of Amazon's Silk web browser with a Trending Now section. It's a clever trick that takes advantage of Silk's server-based caching to find out what sites are popular among owners. That sounds good on the surface, but it doesn't take much effort to realize that there are privacy concerns already in the air -- Amazon is sharing personal web habits with a wider audience, after all. While the section is unlikely to include any identifying information, there's no immediate sign that tablet owners can keep their behavior private, and that could create some indignation among those who'd prefer to surf in isolation. We've asked Amazon if there will be an opt-out escape hatch and will let you know if there's a definitive answer. In the meantime, we wouldn't necessarily worry. Silk shouldn't be caching your e-mail, and it's only likely to ever show pages that have far more traffic than anything you'd be embarrassed to show to others. As far as we can tell, your secret knitting obsession should be safe.

Update: A spokesperson has confirmed that the option to disable Silk's caching is still available, and that switching it off will cut you out of Trending Now; that's a very all-or-nothing approach, but it'll likely suit those put off by the browser's predictive approach in the first place. Secure pages are still out of the picture as well, which should keep those private Twitter messages out of the equation.

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Amazon Silk browser on Kindle Fire tracks page visits to generate trends, isn't as spooky as it sounds (update: opt-out exists) originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 07 Sep 2012 14:33:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Ever since the Windows Phone Summit held back in June, Microsoft announced that...

Ever since the Windows Phone Summit held back in June, Microsoft announced that Windows Phone 7.8, rather than Windows Phone 8, is coming to existing devices. However, Microsoft only mentioned during the Summit that Windows Phone 7.8 will be coming with the new Start screen, and refused to comment any more. Since then there had been...


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Jobs: Standard Arabic; Applied Ling; Arabic Language: Lecturer ...

University or Organization: University of Florida
Department: Languages, Literatures & Cultures
Job Location: Florida, USA
Web Address:
Job Rank: Lecturer

Specialty Areas: Applied Linguistics; General Linguistics; Arabic Language

Required Language(s): Arabic, Standard (arb)


The Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at the University of
Florida invites applicants for a full-time lecturer position in Arabic Language, to
begin January 2013. Teaching load will be determined by departmental needs,
but is expected to be three courses per semester. Applicants should have native
or near-native fluency in Standard arabic, an Arabic dialect, and English, and
instructional training and experience in teaching Beginning, Intermediate and
Advanced language courses. Minimum requirement is an M.A. Specialization in
Arabic Studies (Literature or Linguistics) or a related field is preferred. Salary is
competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience and includes a
full benefits package.

Interested applicants should submit a letter of interest, current vita (including
courses taught), three letters of reference (to be sent directly from referees), and
a teaching portfolio including statement of teaching philosophy and teaching
evaluations to the application email address below. Additionally, a hard copy
should be sent to the application address below.

Review of applications will begin on October 15, 2012 and will continue until the
position is filled. All candidates for employment are subject to a pre-employment
screening which includes a review of criminal records, reference checks, and
verification of education.

The University of Florida is an equal opportunity institution dedicated to building
a broadly diverse and inclusive faculty and staff. Minorities, women and those
from other underserved groups are encouraged to apply.

Application Deadline:? (Open until filled)
Mailing Address for Applications:
Arabic Lecturer Search Committee, University of Florida
Department of Languages, Literatures & Cultures
301 Pugh Hall
PO Box 115565
Gainesville, FL 32611-5565
Email Address for Applications:
Contact Information:
Arabic Search Tillman
Phone: 352 392-2422
Fax: 352 392-1443


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Friday, September 7, 2012

Apple slashes its chip order from Samsung

CBR Staff Writer Published 07 September 2012

Samsung chips are equipped in Apple's iPhone

US based iPhone maker, Apple, has reduced its order with its main supplier and competitor Samsung for memory chips which will be equipped into its iPhone 5, in a bid to expand supply lines and reduce dependence on Samsung.

Samsung has been a key producer of micro processors, flat screens and memory chips, including both dynamic random access memory (DRAM) chips and NAND memory chips, for Apple's iPhone, iPad and iPod.

According to The Korea Economic Daily, Apple instead selected Japan's Toshiba, Elpida Memory ELPDK.PK and Korea's SK Hynix to deliver DRAM and NAND chips.

Simultaneously, Apple is anticipated to install Sharp's in-cell displays for its upcoming iPhone 5, in a bid to reduce expenses.

The new displays are claimed to be less expensive to manufacture over the earlier which were provided by Samsung.

The new reduced orders from Apple is said to have been prompted by a souring relationship between the two firms, which are currently involved in global patent disputes.


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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Tony Hawk Pro Skater HD Video Game Review | Toledo Newspaper

Written by Michael Siebenaler | |

Video game review by Tim Mackley ? Toledo Free Press

Tony Hawk Pro Skater HD (Activision)

Tony Hawk Pro Skater HD has been enhanced as an X-Box Arcade style game as a collection of seven playable levels from the first and second installments of Tony Hawk Pro Skater games. In a timed freestyle course players must guide their chosen Pro Skater through the challenging jumps and tricks, collecting cash and power ups. The enhance visuals improve the look and the classic controls give players a nice nostalgic gaming experience. Players can grab bonuses in the SKATE mode by collecting the letters. Using cash and bonuses collected you can upgrade the game with additional tracks and other goodies. This game was sort of a button masher, and I found creating tricks can be difficult. The music soundtrack includes classic like Public Enemy/Anthrax?s ?Bring the Noise? along with new songs. The game contains no local multiplayer mode, create-a-park mode or create-a-skater mode, but does have an online mode. There are player and global leaderboards and, hopefully, upcoming downloadable content (**1/2). A PlayStation Network version also recently launched.

Tags: Tim Mackley, Video games, ?Tony Hawk Pro Skater HD?


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Monday, September 3, 2012

Braun's NL-leading 37th HR lifts Brewers

Associated Press Sports

updated 5:18 p.m. ET Sept. 2, 2012

MILWAUKEE (AP) - Ryan Braun hit his NL-leading 37th home run, pitcher Yovani Gallardo also connected and the Milwaukee Brewers outslugged Pittsburgh 12-8 Sunday, sending the Pirates to their 10th loss in 13 games.

Jeff Bianchi, Rickie Weeks and Carlos Gomez also connected as Milwaukee tied a season high with five home runs.

Garrett Jones, Michael McKenry and Gaby Sanchez homered for the wild card-contending Pirates, who got swept in the three-game series.

Pirates starter James McDonald (12-7) was tagged for eight runs and six hits in 2 2-3 innings. He struck out six, but was tagged for four home runs.

Milwaukee has won six in a row at home and 14 of its last 16 at Miller Park. Kameron Loe (5-4) picked up the victory in relief of Gallardo, who failed to complete the fifth inning.

John Axford closed out the game to earn his 23rd save. He came in with two runners on base and recorded three consecutive outs.

The Pirates touched Gallardo for 11 hits and seven earned runs in 4 2-3 innings. He also walked while throwing a season-high 119 pitches.

Gallardo entered the game with a major league-leading 22 quality starts. He had won each of his previous six starts, posting a 1.90 ERA during the stretch.

Braun hit a three-run homer in the first, a 458-foot drive. After McKenry hit a leadoff homer in the second, the Brewers scored three more in the bottom half.

Bianchi had his second homer and Weeks launched a 455-foot shot off the center-field scoreboard. Weeks finished with three hits and scored four times.

McKenry hit a two-run single in the third that pulled Pittsburgh to 6-4. Gomez hit a two-run homer in the bottom half and chased McDonald.

Gallardo homered in the fourth. It was his 10th career home run, extending his franchise record for a pitcher.

Jones hit his 23rd homer in the sixth.

NOTES: Norichika Aoki returned to leadoff spot in the Milwaukee lineup and played right field after not starting the previous two games because of a stiff neck. ... The Pirates have hit 16 home runs in nine games at Miller Park this season, the most by any visiting team. ... Brock Holt of the Pirates got his first major league start, playing second base and leading off. He recorded his first career hit when he singled in the fourth inning. He also singled in the fifth, driving in his first run. ... Jeff Locke is scheduled to start for the Pirates on Monday against Houston. He was recalled from Triple-A Indianapolis, where he was 10-5 with a 2.48 ERA in 24 starts. Locke made two relief appearances earlier this season for the Pirates.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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