Monday, August 5, 2013

Why Republicans Want Jobs to Stay Anemic

Why Republicans Want Jobs to Stay Anemic

Posted on Aug?4,?2013

By Robert Reich

This post originally ran on Robert Reich?s Web page.

Job-growth is sputtering. So why, exactly, do regressive Republicans continue to say ?no? to every idea for boosting it ? even last week?s almost absurdly modest proposal by President Obama to combine corporate tax cuts with increased spending on roads and other public works?

It can?t be because Republicans don?t know what?s happening. The data are indisputable. July?s job growth of 162,000 jobs was the weakest in four months. The average workweek was the shortest in six months. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has also lowered its estimates of hiring during May and June.

It can?t be Republicans really believe further spending cuts will help. They?ve seen the effects of austerity economics on Europe. They know the study they relied on by Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff has been debunked. They?re no longer even trying to make the case for austerity.?

It could be they just want to continue opposing anything Obama proposes, but that?s beginning to seem like a stretch. Republican leaders and aspiring 2016 presidential candidates are warning against being the ?party of ?no.?? Public support for the GOP continues to plummet.

The real answer, I think, is they and their patrons want unemployment to remain high and job-growth to sputter. Why? Three reasons:

First, high unemployment keeps wages down. Workers who are worried about losing their jobs settle for whatever they can get ? which is why hourly earnings keep dropping. The median wage is now 4 percent lower than it was at the start of the recovery. Low wages help boost corporate profits, thereby keeping the regressives? corporate sponsors happy.

Second, high unemployment fuels the bull market on Wall Street. That?s because the Fed is committed to buying long-term bonds as long as unemployment remains high. This keeps bond yields low and pushes investors into equities ? which helps boosts executive pay and Wall Street commissions, thereby keeping regressives? financial sponsors happy.

Third, high unemployment keeps most Americans economically fearful and financially insecure. This sets them up to believe regressive lies ? that their biggest worry should be that ?big government? will tax away the little they have and give it to ?undeserving? minorities; that they should support low taxes on corporations and wealthy ?job creators;? and that new immigrants threaten their jobs.

It?s important for Obama and the Democrats to recognize this cynical strategy for what it is, and help the rest of America to see it.

And to counter with three basic truths:

First, the real job creators are consumers, and if average people don?t have jobs or good wages this economy can?t have a vigorous recovery.

Second, the rich would do better with a smaller share of a rapidly-growing economy than their current big share of an economy that?s hardly moving.

Third, therefore everyone would benefit from higher taxes on the wealthy to finance public investments in roads, bridges, public transit, better schools, affordable higher education, and healthcare ? all of which will help the middle class and the poor, and generate more and better jobs.

Robert B. Reich, chancellor?s professor of public policy at UC Berkeley, was secretary of labor in the Clinton administration. Time magazine named him one of the 10 most effective Cabinet secretaries of the last century. He has written 13 books, including the best-sellers ?Aftershock? and ?The Work of Nations.? His latest, ?Beyond Outrage,? is now out in paperback. He is also a founding editor of The American Prospect magazine and chairman of Common Cause.

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At church, a growing emphasis on charity beyond passing the plate

From the back seat of their Toyota SUV, Tracy Scott's children spotted the woman.

She was standing near a highway entrance ramp on the North Side, apparently homeless, and the Scott kids wanted to say hello.

But they were in the wrong lane. So Scott steered her Sequoia back onto the interstate, went up two exits and looped around so they'd be able to present the woman with a paper bag stuffed with snacks, water, a McDonald's gift card and a note.

"She just kind of reached out and grabbed my hand and said, 'Thank you,'" said Scott, a member of Park Community Church. "I said, 'It's our pleasure.' Then the light was green, so off we went."

That gift ? and the 15 or so similar ones Scott and her three children passed out this past spring ? originated with a $2 bill, an envelope and a pastoral charge to go forth and do good. It also reflects what at least one expert sees as a growing commitment to Christian philanthropy that moves beyond passing the plate on Sundays.

In January, the Tribune wrote about Park's decision to give worshippers back a portion of their tithes. Everyone at the Near North Side sanctuary that weekend received at least $2 and heard a sermon that focused largely on the violence endemic in Chicago. Leaders sent members out to invest that money somewhere it might make a difference.

For thousands of years, worshippers have made offerings and supported charities and evangelism efforts. But as Christians try to reconcile Chicago's shootings, poverty and homelessness with their religious duties, more churches are sending their faithful out to minister on an individual level.

Scott Thumma, a Hartford Seminary professor, said such calls for Christians to address pressing needs within their communities are becoming more common across the country. In just over a decade, the percentage of large churches he surveyed that said their congregations were "working for social justice" increased from about 1 in 3 to about 6 in 10.

Such work fulfills a clear doctrinal purpose, Thumma wrote in an email: It answers the Bible's mandate that believers "serve others, offer a cup of water to the thirsty and food to the hungry."

On Sunday, another example of boots-on-the-ground giving took place at Chicago's Willow Creek Community Church, which launched its Luminocity project that encourages members to go out into the city to make a difference.

"Look at our city," said the Rev. Jon Klinepeter, Willow's pastor. "It's falling in on itself. People are killing each other at a rate that's shocking."

He then urged the mostly young congregation that packed into the Loop's Auditorium Theatre to figure out the "village" that makes up their sphere of influence and to pray about how to make a difference there. With everyone's participation, he said, the church could have a meaningful, citywide impact.

"We're waiting for someone else to fix the problem," Klinepeter said. "What if it's your job to be an agent of change in your village?"

Klinepeter told his church that it's about giving boldly instead of just giving. While all offerings are appreciated, he said, it's the ones that require actual sacrifice that demonstrate the truest sort of generosity.

"You can't leverage your influence in your world if you don't hurt a little," he said. "Sometimes I have to put my agenda on hold for the purpose of someone else's need being met."

For Scott, the Park Community member who distributed provisions to homeless people, such intentional, person-to-person ministry produced powerful results. After she worked with her kids to choose the treats, decorate the bags and compose notes, the family spent an afternoon scouring the city for people who looked like they needed some help. As she drove away from the homeless woman her kids spotted on the entrance ramp, the giver and the recipient were in tears.

"For me, personally, it just makes it much more real," Scott said. "I can give money to Park. I know who they're giving money to and completely trust them with that. That is an entirely different process than the messier, grittier thing we went through with our kids saying, 'We live in this city. What's something we want to help with? And how can we take $2 and make it mean something?'"


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Coal India profit slips 16.5%

Calcutta, Aug. 3: Coal India Ltd (CIL) today reported a 16.51 per cent dip in net profit at Rs 3,371 crore for the first quarter of this fiscal compared with Rs 4,469 crore in the same period a year ago.

Net sales during the quarter was lower at Rs 16,472.42 crore against Rs 16,500.59 crore in the corresponding period a year ago.

CIL chairman S. Narsing Rao attributed the fall in profit to several factors, including lower realisation from e-auction sales, increase in sale of contracted coal to power producers and higher total expenses because of a rise in fuel and employee benefit costs.

?During the quarter, realisation through e-auction was lower by Rs 557 crore compared with the year-ago period, while the quantity sold was more or less the same,? Rao said.

According to him, realisation from the contracted sale to power units at Rs 1,296 per tonne is lower than its overall average of Rs 1,430. Hence an increase in contracted sale to power is less remunerative for the state-run coal miner.

He said the cost of production had gone up by Rs 758 crore during the quarter on the back of a hike in diesel price and salary and wages for employees.

While the company?s expense on contractual labour went up to Rs 1,484 crore, its employee benefit expenses during the quarter increased to Rs 6,812.79 crore from Rs 6,387.83 crore in the year-ago quarter. At present, the public sector company has a staff strength of 3.6 lakh.

Production during the period remained almost flat at 102.8 million tonnes (mt) compared with 102.4mt in the same period last fiscal.

?Impediments such as excessive heating during May and June, especially in Mahanadi Coalfields, affected coal and was an overburden on production to a large extent. The effect was so severe that even the growth of 5.7 per cent during April was wiped out,? CIL said in a note.

The miner?s coal offtake during the period increased to 115.3mt from 113mt a year ago. The company accounts for over 80 per cent of the total domestic coal production.

Though Coal India could not achieve the production target in 2012-13, it has signed a memorandum of understanding with the coal ministry to set a production and offtake target of 482mt and 490mt, respectively, for 2013-14.

Bhel shock

Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (Bhel) has posted a nearly 50 per cent decline in net profit at Rs 465.43 crore for the June quarter on the back of lower sales compared with Rs 920.90 crore in the year-ago period.

Net sales declined to Rs 6,352.55 crore from Rs 8,326.24 crore in the same period a year ago.

Sluggish prospects in the domestic power sector as well as cheap overseas imports of power equipment is adversely impacting its business.


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Sunday, August 4, 2013

Lesbian candidate struggles to win women?s vote in New York mayor?s race

By Reuters
Saturday, August 3, 2013 19:54 EDT


By Francesca Trianni

NEW YORK (Reuters) ? At Cubbyhole, a popular New York lesbian bar, for every two revelers who praised City Council speaker, Christine Quinn, in her race to become the city?s first woman and first openly gay mayor, one complained about her style and political policies.

?Just because she?s a lesbian, it doesn?t mean I?ll vote for her,? said Veronica Gonzales, 32, who works for a non-profit organization. ?She is not socially liberal enough, and she has this air about her like she is above it all ? like she is above us.?

While fellow candidate Anthony Weiner?s extramarital sexual transgressions have dominated the headlines, a perplexing reality of the race for mayor of the nation?s largest city is Quinn?s failure to lock up the votes of women and gays, even though she herself is both.

Quinn is the only woman in the race, and the only openly gay candidate, yet she scored only 30 percent support from women in a survey by Quinnipiac University published on July 29. Polls do not break down voting preferences by sexual orientation.

The presumed front-runner of the six candidates vying to succeed Michael Bloomberg has failed to crack the 40 percent level of overall support, the percentage needed to win the Democratic primary on September 10 and avoid a runoff between the top two finishers.

In a runoff with black candidate William Thompson, Quinn would lose 50 percent to 40 percent, the Quinnipiac poll found.

Despite its progressive reputation, New York City has elected few women to citywide office. The best known was Elizabeth Holtzman, who held the top financial post of comptroller from 1990 to 1993. The most recent was Betsy Gotbaum, public advocate until 2009, although Quinn as speaker of the city council is considered the most powerful official after the mayor.


In New York?s Greenwich Village, with its significant gay and lesbian population, support for Quinn was mixed.

Gonzales plans to vote for Public Advocate Bill de Blasio, who she said is ?more straightforward about his agenda.?

The ambivalence has contributed to a sense that Quinn is unable to close out the race, and one of the other candidates could overtake her, even as support wanes for Weiner.

?Right now, all signs point to a runoff, and with voters not connecting with anyone in particular, it?s going to be a fluid race,? said Lee Miringoff of the Marist poll. ?It is very important for Quinn to sharpen her message so that she starts to get into a better shape to do better down the road.?

Voters critical of Quinn most often mention her style, which some view as brash and calculating. Quinn?s backing of a temporary change in the city?s term-limits law, which allowed Bloomberg and other lawmakers to run for a third term, has also been used against her.

De Blasio has positioned himself as a liberal alternative to Quinn on issues such as funding for universal pre-kindergarten programs and preventing hospital closings.

?She needs to do better in the long run with women voters,? Miringoff said. ?If she is going to be successful she needs to create a greater appeal among women voters. And to do that, she needs to put her campaign in an historical context.?

In recent weeks, Quinn, long an outspoken proponent of gay marriage, has sought to portray her candidacy as an historic opportunity for New York women.

This week, the Quinn campaign rolled out endorsements from the National Organization of Women and feminist political activist Gloria Steinem.

At the annual Gay Pride parade in Greenwich Village, Quinn marched alongside Edie Windsor, the New Yorker whose U.S. Supreme Court case paved the way for gay couples to receive federal benefits this year, leading more than 1,000 backers.

Quinn?s campaign said it planned targeted advertisements on Facebook asking women to ?Make history with Chris Quinn,? and targeting women voters through house parties and phone banks.

Mike Morey, Quinn?s spokesman, noted that she had fought to save education jobs, keep firehouses open and expand access to pre-kindergarten during difficult fiscal times.

?She will continue making the case through Election Day that she is the only candidate who has a real record of results delivering for the middle class,? Morey said.

Back at the Cubbyhole, as a performer clad in black leather shorts and a red wig danced in the background, Jaimie Ho, 35, a structural engineer, said she was not sold on Quinn.

Ho remembered seeing Quinn at the pride parade: ?She didn?t seem accessible. She had a ton of body guards around her.?

?I like her background. I like the work she has done in the City Council,? continued Ho. ?But I ask myself: Is it fair to vote for her simply because she is gay? There needs to be more substance.?

(Reporting by Francesca Trianni; Editing by Greg McCune and Gunna Dickson)







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NWSL: Boston Breakers part ways with Head Coach Lisa Cole

SOMERVILLE, MA ? The Boston Breakers and coach Lisa Cole have parted ways, the club announced Friday afternoon. Defender and Olympic gold medalist Cat Whitehill will take over coaching duties for Boston as a player/coach on an interim basis while the team searches for a new permanent manager.

?Lisa was a critical participant in the launch of the National Women?s Soccer League and making sure there was a professional women?s league in the U.S.,? Boson Breakers managing partner Michael Stoller said. ?I cannot thank her enough for her years of service to the Breakers and women?s professional soccer.?

Assistant coach Maren Rojas also left the club ahead of their home game Saturday against the Western New York Flash.

?I have great respect for both Lisa and for Maren,? Stoller said. ?Lisa is highly regarded in the women?s game and her dedication to the sport throughout the years is unmatched, from club, college, amateur, and up to the professional level.?

The Breakers currently sit fifth in the National Women?s Soccer League standings, having taken 23 points from 18 games with a 6-7-5 record. They trail the Flash by seven points for the fourth and final NWSL playoff spot with four games to play in the regular season.

?At this point, as the team makes a push to the playoffs, this was a change that needed to be made,? Breakers General Manager Lee Billiard said. ?Lisa has done so much for our organization and the women?s professional game in general. It is with great regret this change had to be made.?

Cole took over as head coach for the Breakers in 2012 after arriving at the club in 2009 and spending three years as an assistant under Tony DiCicco. She posted a 17-10-5 record during her two years in charge of the Breakers in both the NWSL and Women?s Premier Soccer League.

?Lisa is a highly respected coach and had many great seasons in Boston,? Billiard said. ?Maren came to the team with a great coaching resume, and we have respect for both coaches.?

Rojas joined Boston ahead of the 2013 NWSL season. She previously served as an assistant coach at Boston College for the women?s soccer team.


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Saturday, August 3, 2013

Poll: On National Security, Will the GOP Side With Chris Christie or Rand Paul?

Whose approach to national security is likely to win the internal debate in the GOP?


Chris Christie's: 68%
Rand Paul's: 32%

Chris Christie's

"Ted Cruz is at war with Tom Coburn on Obamacare. Christie and Paul are going at each other like they're only a month out from the 2014 Iowa caucuses. As a Democrat, I love it."

"Paul's strategy would lose the GOP more votes in the long term."

"This isn't like abortion?the elites control the security debate, and the elites are not isolationists."

"In GOP-land, Big Military always trumps civil liberties."

"As a Democrat, it is going to be great theater and fun to watch the meltdown."

"Rand Paul's views represent an intense group of activists who are more ideological than partisan. Christie's views represent the core Republican brand."

"Rand Paul's America First credo will be no more successful than it was when Pat Buchanan pursued it. It is not premised on reality, and that is a fatal flaw."

Rand Paul's

"The GOP is currently incapable of saying no to the tea party."

"The trend line is libertarian."

"Neo-isolationists have replaced the neocons, especially when it comes to [the National Security Agency]."

"Republican primary voters do not like pragmatism."

"Passion beats rational analysis."

"Chris Christie isn't the GOP. He's an outlier. He needs to come to grips with that."

"The so-called grown-ups seem to be losing to the pseudo-libertarians, along with the GOP's many other exotic factions these days."


Whose approach to national security is likely to win the internal debate in the GOP?


Chris Christie's: 81%
Rand Paul's: 19%

Chris Christie's

"The Republican Party is first and foremost the national security party. Sounding like a Democrat, as Paul does, is a great way to undermine our credibility."

"Paul is right, but the Defense Industrial Fear Complex will invest and win."

"The isolationist wing of the GOP died with Pearl Harbor. Rand Paul aligning himself with the discredited thoughts of Pat Buchanan is not the path to success. It's the path to irrelevance."

"That's where the money is."

"Rand Paul is a slightly less crazy version of his father, which includes his positions on foreign policy."

"In the pre-Snowden-leak days, this would have been a no-brainer, but the NSA's dramatic overreach troubles even mainstream Republicans."

"The world is a dangerous place. When the next attack comes, and it will, do you really think we'll be having this argument?"

"Unfortunately, my party is populated with defense-spending hawks who are more interested in Fortress America than civil liberties."

"As a former DOJ official, Chris Christie is being pragmatic, while Rand Paul is pandering to the black-helicopter and right-wing nuts in the GOP."

Rand Paul's

"Unless there is another terrorist attack against the U.S., rising mistrust of government will trump old-school national security concerns among GOP primary voters in 2016."

"Invoking the widows of 9/11 has run its course, especially when there's no evidence mass data collection on me and my neighbors has stopped a plot of any relevance."

"Which means the GOP will give up national security as an advantage for the first time since Ike."

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Democratic Political Insiders Jill Alper, John Anzalone, Brad Bannon, Dave Beattie, Andy Bechhoefer, Cornell Belcher, Matt Bennett, Mitchell W. Berger, Mike Berman, Stephanie Bosh, Paul Brathwaite, Donna Brazile, Mark Brewer, Ed Bruley, George Bruno, Bonnie Campbell, Bill Carrick, Guy Cecil, Martin J. Chavez, Tony Coelho, Larry Cohen, Jerry Crawford, Brendan Daly, Jeff Danielson, Peter Daou, Howard Dean, Scott DeFife, Jim Demers, Tad Devine, David Di Martino, Debbie Dingell, Monica Dixon, Patrick Dorton, Pat Dujakovich, Anita Dunn, Jeff Eller, Steve Elmendorf, Carter Eskew, Vic Fazio, Peter Fenn, Scott Ferson, Jim Fleischmann, Tina Flournoy, Don Foley, Jeffrey Forbes, Vincent Frillici, Gina Glantz, Niles Godes, John Michael Gonzalez, Joe Grandmaison, Anna Greenberg, Stan Greenberg, Pat Griffin, Larry Grisolano, Michael Gronstal, Lisa Grove, Marcia Hale, Jill Hanauer, Dick Harpootlian, Paul Harstad, Laura Hartigan, Doug Hattaway, Mike Henry, Karen Hicks, Leo Hindery Jr., Harold Ickes, Marcus Jadotte, John Jameson, Steve Jarding, Jonathon Jones, Jim Jordan, Gale Kaufman, Lisa Kountoupes, Celinda Lake, David Lang, Penny Lee, Chris Lehane, Jeff Link, Bob Maloney, Jim Manley, Steve Marchand, Jim Margolis, Paul Maslin, Keith Mason, Susan McCue, Gerald McEntee, Steve McMahon, Tom McMahon, Phil McNamara, David Medina, Michael Meehan, Mark Mellman, John Merrigan, Michael Monroe, Steve Murphy, Janet Napolitano, David Nassar, Marcia Nichols, John Norris, Tom Ochs, Tom O'Donnell, Jeffrey Peck, Debora Pignatelli, Tony Podesta, Jefrey Pollock, Jack Quinn, Larry Rasky, Mame Reiley, Ed Rendell, Steve Ricchetti, Will Robinson, Steve Rosenthal, David Rudd, Ryan Rudominer, John Ryan, Michael Sargeant, Stephanie Schriock, Terry Shumaker, Sean Sinclair, Phil Singer, Erik Smith, Doug Sosnik, Greg Speed, Darry Sragow, Ken Strasma, Doug Thornell, Jeffrey Trammell, Ed Turlington, Rick Wiener, James Williams, JoDee Winterhof, Brian Wolff, Jon Youngdahl, and Jim Zogby.

GOP Political Insiders Dan Allen, Stan Anderson, Gary Andres, Saulius (Saul) Anuzis, Rich Ashooh, Whit Ayres, Brett Bader, Mitch Bainwol, Brian Baker, Gary Bauer, David Beckwith, Paul Bennecke, Clark Benson, Wayne Berman, Brian Bieron, Charlie Black, Kirk Blalock, Carmine Boal, Jeff Boeyink, Ron Bonjean, Jeff Buley, Luke Byars, Nick Calio, Al Cardenas, Danny Carroll, Alex Castellanos, Ron Christie, Jim Cicconi, Jonathan Collegio, Rob Collins, Cesar Conda, Jake Corman, Scott Cottington, Jay Cranford, Greg Crist, Diane Crookham-Johnson, Fergus Cullen, Tom Davis, Mike Dennehy, Ken Duberstein, Debi Durham, Sara Fagen, Frank Fahrenkopf, John Feehery, Don Fierce, Mindy Finn, Carl Forti, Alex Gage, Bruce A. Gates, Sam Geduldig, Adam Geller, Benjamin Ginsberg, David Girard-diCarlo, Bill Greener, Jonathan Grella, Lanny Griffith, Janet Mullins Grissom, Doug Gross, Todd Harris, Steve Hart, Christopher Healy, Ralph Hellmann, Chris Henick, Terry Holt, David Iannelli, Ed Ingle, Jim Innocenzi, Clark Judge, David Keating, David Kensinger, Bob Kjellander, Ed Kutler, Chris LaCivita, Jim Lake, Steven Law, Steve Lombardo, Kevin Madden, Joel Maiola, Gary Maloney, David Marin, Mary Matalin, Dan Mattoon, Brian McCormack, Mark McKinnon, Kyle McSlarrow, Ken Mehlman, Jim Merrill, Lisa Camooso Miller, Tim Morrison, Mike Murphy, Phil Musser, Ron Nehring, Terry Nelson, Neil Newhouse, David Norcross, Ziad Ojakli, Jack Oliver, Todd Olsen, Kevin O'Neill, Connie Partoyan, Billy Piper, Van B. Poole, Tom Rath, Scott Reed, David Rehr, Tom Reynolds, Steve Roberts, Jason Roe, David Roederer, Dan Schnur, Russ Schriefer, Rich Schwarm, Brent Seaborn, Rick Shelby, Andrew Shore, Kevin Shuvalov, Don Sipple, Ken Spain, Fred Steeper, Bob Stevenson, Terry Sullivan, David Tamasi, Eric Tanenblatt, Richard Temple, Heath Thompson, Jay Timmons, Warren Tompkins, Ted Van Der Meid, Dirk van Dongen, Jan van Lohuizen, Stewart Verdery, Dick Wadhams, John Weaver, Lezlee Westine, Dave Winston, Ginny Wolfe, Fred Wszolek, and Matthew Zablud.


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Tyra Banks teaches Jimmy Fallon a sexy lesson


13 hours ago

Image: Tyra Banks and Jimmy Fallon.

Lloyd Bishop / NBC

Tyra Banks gives Jimmy Fallon some sexy modeling tips.

Men will compete alongside women on the next cycle of "America's Next Top Model," and according to supermodel-turned-host Tyra Banks, that means plenty of steamy shoots between the sexes.

But just how do they plan to get the contestants, who start off as strangers, to really look like they're into each other? Banks gave a demonstration on the art of faking sexual chemistry on "Late Night" Wednesday ? with more than a little help from host Jimmy Fallon.

"The first thing that we need to do is have mints because you don't want funk breath," she explained.

Then they assumed the body-to-body position.

"Feel the goodness," Banks said as she guided Fallon's hand up her torso. "It's important to have tension. I'll need to feel the tension. Squeeze my arm where you actually see the indentions in my flesh."

Fallon obliged as she demanded he do it "harder ? harder! Harder!"


"Oh, my God," Fallon said with a nervous laugh. "I have so much tension right now."

The mints came in handy when they moved on to the real trick to faking it.

"Smell my breath ? inhale it," the "Top Model" pro implored before shouting," Pose! Pose! Pose!"

The result? Well, sexy or not, Fallon had one concern: "My wife is going to kill me!"

See more so-called chemistry when the new season of "America's Next Top Model" kicks off Friday night at 8 on The CW.


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Friday, August 2, 2013

Efficient model for generating human induced pluripotent stem cells

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Researchers report a simple, easily reproducible RNA-based method of generating human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Their approach has broad applicability for the successful production of iPSCs for use in human stem cell studies and eventual cell therapies.


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Massive weapons depot blast in Syria kills 40

In this image taken from leaked video obtained by Ugarit News and posted on Monday, July 15, 2013, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, purports to show a fireball from an explosion at a weapons depot set off by rocket attacks that struck government-held districts in the central Syrian city of Homs on Thursday, Aug. 1, 2013. The blasts sent a massive ball of fire into the sky, killing scores and causing widespread damage and panic among residents, many of whom are supporters of President Bashar Assad.(AP Photo/Ugarit News via AP video)

In this image taken from leaked video obtained by Ugarit News and posted on Monday, July 15, 2013, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, purports to show a fireball from an explosion at a weapons depot set off by rocket attacks that struck government-held districts in the central Syrian city of Homs on Thursday, Aug. 1, 2013. The blasts sent a massive ball of fire into the sky, killing scores and causing widespread damage and panic among residents, many of whom are supporters of President Bashar Assad.(AP Photo/Ugarit News via AP video)

In this image taken from video posted by Shaam News Network, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, purports to show a fireball from an explosion at a weapons depot set off by rocket attacks that struck government-held districts in the central Syrian city of Homs on Thursday, Aug. 1, 2013. The blasts sent a massive ball of fire into the sky, killing scores and causing widespread damage and panic among residents, many of whom are supporters of President Bashar Assad.(AP Photo/Shaam News Network via AP video)

This image posted on the official Facebook page of the Syrian Presidency on Thursday, Aug. 1, 2013 purports to show Syrian President Bashar Assad walking with soldiers with during Syrian Arab Army day in Darya, Syria. Syrian state-run TV says Assad has visited a tense Damascus suburb to inspect his troops on the occasion of the country's Army Day. The visit on Thursday is Assad's first known public trip outside the capital, his seat of power, since he visited the Baba Amr district in the central city of Homs after troops seized it from rebels in March 2012. Daraya, just south of Damascus, was held by rebels for a long time and it took the army weeks of heavy fighting to regain control earlier this year. (AP Photo/Syrian Presidency via Facebook)

This image posted on the official Facebook page of the Syrian Presidency on Thursday, Aug. 1, 2013 purports to show Syrian President Bashar Assad talking with soldiers with during Syrian Arab Army day in Darya, Syria. Syrian state-run TV says Assad has visited a tense Damascus suburb to inspect his troops on the occasion of the country's Army Day. The visit on Thursday is Assad's first known public trip outside the capital, his seat of power, since he visited the Baba Amr district in the central city of Homs after troops seized it from rebels in March 2012. Daraya, just south of Damascus, was held by rebels for a long time and it took the army weeks of heavy fighting to regain control earlier this year. (AP Photo/Syrian Presidency via Facebook)

This image posted on the official Facebook page of the Syrian Presidency on Thursday, Aug. 1, 2013 purports to show Syrian President Bashar Assad shaking hands with a solider during Syrian Arab Army day in Darya, Syria. Syrian state-run TV says Assad has visited a tense Damascus suburb to inspect his troops on the occasion of the country's Army Day. The visit on Thursday is Assad's first known public trip outside the capital, his seat of power, since he visited the Baba Amr district in the central city of Homs after troops seized it from rebels in March 2012. Daraya, just south of Damascus, was held by rebels for a long time and it took the army weeks of heavy fighting to regain control earlier this year. (AP Photo/Syrian Presidency via Facebook)

(AP) ? Rebels sent a wave of rockets slamming into regime strongholds in the central city of Homs on Thursday, triggering a succession of massive explosions in a weapons depot that killed at least 40 people and wounded dozens, an opposition group and residents said.

The attack ? one of the most potent against pro-government districts in the area ? overshadowed a rare trip by President Bashar Assad to a former opposition bastion outside the capital, Damascus, during which he defiantly vowed in front of troops to defeat the rebels fighting to topple him.

The huge explosion in the Homs district of Wadi Dahab delivered a jolt to Assad's regime, which for weeks has been boasting of achievements against the rebels in the strategic Homs region and the suburbs of Damascus.

"The achievements on the ground speak for themselves," Assad told soldiers in Daraya, a few kilometers (miles) south of the capital. "Without you we would all be slaves to the countries that want to subjugate us. But the Syrian people will never be slaves. Not in the past, present or future," he said.

The attack in Homs targeted the neighborhoods of Zahra, Akrama and Wadi Dahab, which are all populated mostly by Alawites, the same sect as Assad.

It showed that rebels fighting to oust Assad are still able to strike back despite significant advances by the military that have bolstered the confidence of the regime.

The blasts sent a massive ball of fire and a black mushroom cloud into the sky and caused widespread damage and panic among residents, many of whom are supporters of Assad. Firefighters struggled for two hours to put out the flames.

"The first explosion knocked people off their feet," said one Homs resident, adding that successive smaller explosions lasted for over an hour. He declined to be named, fearing retaliation.

He said the blasts were so strong they cracked the walls of some buildings and blew doors and window frames off their hinges. The slum area of Wadi Dahab houses mostly one- or two-story buildings.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which closely monitors the fighting via a network of activists on the ground, said at least 40 people were killed and 120 were wounded ? some critically ? when rockets struck the arms depot in the southern part of Wadi Dahab and ignited the fire.

Activists in the city corroborated that account, saying at least 40 were killed and many others wounded. They said the regime is known to keep arms depots in those areas.

An official at the governor's office in Homs said six people were killed and 145 wounded when about 10 rockets slammed into the neighborhood of Zahra and the nearby sports stadium. He said one rocket struck a civil defense center, referring to the Wadi Dahab area, although he did not directly address the weapons depot.

He spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to release the information.

Government officials often give conflicting figures than those provided by the opposition. There was no immediately explanation for the discrepancy, and state-run media did not report the incident.

The attack was claimed on Facebook by the al-Haq brigade, one of a myriad of groups fighting in Homs that are loosely affiliated with the main rebel umbrella group, the Free Syrian Army. Homs-based activist Abu Bilal also said al-Haq brigade targeted the weapons depot with Grad rockets.

Assad's visit to Daraya was his first known public trip outside the capital, his seat of power, in more than a year. On the previous trip he visited the battered Baba Amr district in Homs after troops seized it from rebels in March 2012.

On Thursday, Syrian TV showed him walking among soldiers in the battered suburb, chatting and shaking hands with soldiers atop tanks who pumped their fists in the air and flashed the victory sign.

"I deliver to you today a message of thanks from every Syrian," he told the troops.

The visit is the latest sign of confidence from Assad, whose troops have been on the offensive and scored significant gains in recent months.

More than 100,000 people have been killed since the uprising against the Assad family's four-decade rule began in March 2011. The revolt later escalated into a civil war, which has uprooted millions of people from their homes.

Daraya was held by rebels for months. It took the army weeks of heavy fighting to regain control of the area earlier this year.

Before his trip to Daraya, Assad lauded his troops' accomplishments in the battle against opposition forces.

"You have stunned the entire world with your steadfastness and ability to overcome the difficulties and score achievements in the face of the fiercest barbaric war the modern history has ever witnessed," he said in comments released for Army Day and carried by the state news agency SANA. "Had we in Syria not been confident of victory, we wouldn't have been able to resist" for more than two years.

In August 2012, activists reported that regime forces went on a dayslong killing spree after they seized Daraya from rebels.

Reports of the death toll ranged from more than 300 people to as many as 600. It was impossible at the time to independently verify the numbers because of severe restrictions on media coverage of the conflict.

The suburb switched hands between rebel forces and troops several times after August until regime forces recaptured it earlier this year.

Assad's comments Thursday followed several major gains against the rebels, mostly in Homs province and near Damascus.

The rebels suffered two major setbacks during a wideranging government offensive in central Syria. In June, Assad's army recaptured the strategic town of Qusair near the Lebanese border. Earlier this week, government troops took control of a district in the city of Homs that had long been an opposition stronghold.

Also Thursday, five major aid agencies warned that the Syrian refugee crisis is stretching aid efforts to their limits.

The agencies ? including CARE International, Oxfam, Danish Refugee Council, Handicap International and World Vision ? said they are increasingly concerned that the international response is failing to match the scale of the crisis.

Their joint statement said more than 1.4 million Syrians ? or 80 percent of all Syrian refugees ? are now living in tents, temporary settlements, or over-crowded and expensive rented accommodations.


Karam reported from Beirut.

Associated Press


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RealNetworks Gets Serious About Social Casino Gaming With $15.6 ...

RealNetworks, a Seattle-based publicly-traded company that runs RealPlayer and has a gaming arm, is digging into social casino games with a deal to buy Slingo for $15.6 million. It?s also launching a new kind of casino game that involves a $100,000 sweepstakes called Gamehouse Casino Plus.

The two moves are meant to revitalize RealNetworks? gaming business, which brought in $13.9 million in the quarter ending in March of this year.

Slingo is a combo of bingo and slots and has more than 4.5 million people monthly active users on Facebook, plus more on mobile platforms and on physical slot machines in casinos. The game launched on Facebook back in February of last year, and reached a peak of more than 50 million monthly active users. It also came to Android and iOS through Slingo Supreme, a paid app. The physical game, which is in Slingo-branded slot machines, is played in more than 300 casinos in the U.S. and RealNetworks says that more than $1 billion Slingo-branded tickets have been sold through other lottery games.

?Real money gaming in the U.S. is not going to become a mainstream thing anytime soon,? said RealNetworks CEO Rob Glaser. But he said he believed that studios can still innovate on the social casino genre, which has become increasingly competitive over the last two years.

In Gamehouse Casino Plus, players play your typical casino games ? like slots, video poker, blackjack and roulette ? but they also win tickets to participate in a $100,000 sweepstakes every month.


RealNetworks delivers digital entertainment services to consumers via PC, portable music player, home entertainment system or mobile phone. Real created the streaming media category in 1995. Its products and services include: RealPlayer, the first mainstream media player to enable one-click downloading and recording of Internet video; the Rhapsody digital music service, which delivers more than 1 billion songs per year; RealArcade, one of the largest casual games destinations on the Web; and a variety of mobile entertainment services, such...

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Slingo is a combo of bingo and slots and has more than 4.5 million people monthly active users on Facebook, plus more on mobile platforms and on physical slot machines in casinos. The game launched on Facebook in February of 2012, and reached a peak of more than 50 million monthly active users.

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Thursday, August 1, 2013

The UPS Store to offer 3D printing service in select San Diego locations (video)

DNP UPS to offer 3D printing in select San Diego stores video

Today, The UPS Store announced its plan to bring 3D printing services to the masses. The shipping company will soon roll out Stratasys Uprint SE Plus printers to 6 locations in San Diego to test out the new service; it'll be aimed at small businesses, start-ups and retail customers in need of a professional grade model to produce things like prototypes and artistic renderings. At $20,900 a pop, Stratasys printers aren't exactly the kind of gadget you'd purchase for home use, so their availability at UPS stores is a pretty major step towards making high quality 3D printing an accessible option for the common man. Though the company is starting small, it hopes to expand the service nationwide, provided that the San Diego experiment proves successful. For more info, check out the video after the break.

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Via: GigaOM

Source: UPS


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7 Hot Design Jobs in Berkeley, Palo Alto and More

Unemployed, underemployed or somewhere in between? The Mashable Job Board is here to help.

Since 2005, Mashable has been dedicated to providing the hottest digital, social and tech news to our readership of 25 million and counting. Top companies know you excel in the digital world, so they come to Mashable to find the best and brightest minds. New jobs ? including ones exclusive to us ? are added every day to the Mashable Job Board. Take a look:

Below, we've gathered seven recently posted management positions. Keep coming back to the Mashable Job Board for new openings, and don't forget to read our Job Search Series for advice on how to achieve your dream job.

Position: UX Design Lead
Company: Atlassian
Location: San Francisco, Calif.

Do you want to lead the design of products that enable millions of people to envision and build great software? At Atlassian, we develop products and new features in teams of designers, product managers and engineers. You'll have the opportunity to work with your team to take responsibility for all parts of the design ? driving the design vision, design process and decisions, detailed interaction design, user research and usability testing, pixel-perfect quality assurance, and see them through to release.

Position: Web QA / Jr. Front End Engineer
Company: John McNeil Studio
Location: Berkeley, Calif.

John McNeil Studio is a creative studio dedicated to making beautiful design, films, photos and interactive. In QA mode, you will be responsible for the testing and quality assurance of high-profile websites and interactive advertising campaigns, and will be checking for proper functionality, content and layout consistency. In front-end development, you will work on building interactive web experiences, and perfectly styling them to match beautifully designed comps.

Position: Front-End Engineer
Company: Yelp
Location: San Francisco, Calif.

Yelp front-end engineers lay down the polish on each of our core properties: They are our engineering front line. From implementing new user interfaces and features to battling browser inconsistencies and everywhere in between, they walk the HTML, CSS and JavaScript stack with ease. Our front-end engineers are the glue between our engineering team and the more than 102 million people who visit our site every month.

Position: Web Designer
Company: Attention Span
Location: Los Angeles, Calif.

Attention Span is an expanding digital and social-media agency. We're looking for an innovative, creative designer to help us make everything look awesome. That includes marketing materials, client presentations, infographics and idea mockups for clients.

Position: UI Designer, Mobile and Web
Company: Veetle
Location: Palo Alto, Calif.

Veetle is a technology startup focused on improving the ways people communicate and collaborate using mobile video. Design world-class user interfaces for our website, mobile apps and cross-platform applications. Design user interfaces for partners, customers and specific campaigns, and also play a key role in new product development.

Position: UI/UX Designer
Company: Everplans
Location: New York, N.Y.

Everplans is a funded startup founded by repeat entrepreneurs. We're looking for an experienced UI/UX designer to join our small team, and make a difference. You'll be responsible for designing the interactions, and crafting the product experience for Everplans' rapidly growing collection of content, tools and resources. Drive product design from concept to release, design visual interfaces, user flows and compelling interactions, and more.

Position: Visual Designer
Company: RedBeacon
Location: San Mateo, Calif.

Redbeacon is aiming to improve how people see and experience the home-service industry from getting a sink fixed to creating your dream home. Design high fidelity Photoshop and Illustrator works, which will be seen by thousands on mobile apps, websites and in national Home Depot Stores. Grow your skills to work in fields that drive you, including branding, multimedia/video, interaction, service, promotional and application design.

Image: iStockphoto, Carol_Anne


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