Friday, July 12, 2013

Immortal Riders

][Character Info][
Name: Styx
Age: 2,500
Race: Half god/Half angel
Gender: Female
Powers/Abilities: Other than her immortality, her powers are bound. Occasionally she might have a precognitive dream or something along those lines, but that's the extent of it for the time being.
Personality: Styx is a very strong-willed, independent kind of woman. Being raised as a Spartan woman, that mind-set has always stuck with her. She does her best not to let her emotions show too much, but there are times when she cannot contain her temper. Fortunately her fuse is pretty slow-burning, and she's usually able to get over whatever angered her pretty quickly. (Usually being the key word there.) She does her best to keep people from getting too close to her, but at the same time she has a tendency to play 'mother hen' and dote on those she feels are in need of it.
History: The metalic scent of blood permeated the air; it was so thick that she swore she could taste it. The crash of metal against metal and the incoherent shouts of men drowned out any sounds that might have come from the waves crashing below. A weight felt like it was crushing her chest as the battle scene before her came into focus. If she didn't know better Styx would have sworn something was crushing her.

A furious battle cry rose above all the noise of battle and sent a chill down her spine. Her eyes darted around until they landed on the source of the cry; a Spartan soldier whose helm covered too much of his face for her to tell who it was. He battled the enemy with all the feriocity and finess of a well-trained Spartan soldier, but his shield was not on him. Styx watched as an enemy came up behind the soldier, her eyes widening, but the soldier seemed to realize there was someone behind him as he swung his sword arm around and sliced through the man's neck.

Within moments; however, the man was overwhelmed by sheer numbers, and with no shield and his comrades all engaged in battle there wasn't much to be done for him. Rather than try to find a way out, though, he ripped the helm from his head and let out another furious battle cry. A scream ripped from Styx's throat as she recognized the man as her husband, but she knew he couldn't hear her. He fought bravely, but it wasn't long before the sheer numbers of the enemy brought him to his knees, and in one fell swoop his head was sliced clear off his shoulders.

Styx awoke with a jerk, trembling to the sound of her own screams. The bedsheets were twisted in her fists and she could feel the wetness that stained her cheeks from the tears that had escaped while she was asleep. Slowly she released the sheets and pushed herself to a seated position. A sob choked her and made her shudder as she realized the 'dream' she'd just had was actually one of her precognitive dreams. Her husband was going to die, and there was nothing she could do to prevent it from happening. For all she knew he was already dead.


Styx waited long enough to receive word that all of the soldiers who had marched were killed. That night, as much of Sparta silently mourned and loudly celebrated the lives and deaths of those who were killed, she decided to leave her home. Two horses, one for riding and the other a pack horse, were waiting for her as she reached the edge of the main city. She would ride northeast first, avoiding the larger parts of the other city-states for as long as she could. She wasn't really sure where she would go, but knew she had to leave.

She inhaled deeply as she reached the location of the two horses, pausing only to send up a quick prayer to the gods before she mounted. One last look showed the buildings of her beloved home shining brightly in the light of a large, full moon. Tears gathered in her eyes, but like any Spartan woman she refused to let them fall. "Good-bye my beloved Sparta," she whispered as she pulled her mount's head around and spurred him into a trot. It was the last she would ever see of the place she was raised.


Over the following years Styxx stayed on the move for quite some time before she finally decided to settle in anywhere. She never could stay anywhere too long because of the humans and her lack of aging, especially when time moved forward to where faith in the old gods was no longer as wide-spread as it had once been. Though she usually kept people at arm's length to keep her heart from breaking the way it had when she lost her husband, there were a few people over the centuries that managed to worm their way into her heart, and she'd face the same heart-break when they grew old or died of some other cause.

Recently she has moved to one of the few remaining countries she has not yet lived in; the United States of America. The pull to find her siblings has been growing stronger as of late; likely because, despite her not wanting to admit it, she's been lonely for quite some time. She has no idea what she will do if she ever finds any of them, but she's hoping that they will be the family she's been missing all these years.
Appearance: Styx is, as of modern days, typically seen wearing all black clothing, usually leather. When asked why she responds with "It's kind of hard to be intimidating when you're wearing neon colors." (She's always kept in good physical shape, and traveling constantly she learned really quick that survival meant learning how to fight.) Her hair is black and her eyes are a silvery-blue.

][Human Info][
Username: Wytch
Have you read all the rules and are you in agreement to abide by them?: Pretty sure I wrote them. :P


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