Sunday, September 25, 2011

How to navigate the stock market plunge

I don't have a ton of time here because I'm up to my ears in trades, but I wanted to just address the fact that this Dow Jones Industrial Average is now off like 800 points in a few days.

Skip to next paragraph Joshua M. Brown

Joshua has been managing money for high net worth clients, charitable foundations, corporations and retirement plans for more than a decade.

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I'm not making a bottom call and we're still saving most of our dry powder for sub-1000 on the S&P, even if that doesn't come during this particular spate of selling.

That being said, we are rebalancing and bringing client weightings back up to where we want them - this involves some nibbling at the high-yielding, value oriented stocks we've been favoring. For model portfolio accounts, our cash/bond mix remains at 50% or so as it has been since August 1. We ignored last week's Nasdaq levitation act and came into today pretty underweight already.

I don't know if this is THE selling crescendo, but I can't afford not to have bought some things just in case it is.

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