Friday, November 4, 2011

[OOC] Caged within a Memory

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This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Caged within a Memory"

Now, I don't really like to reserve characters for other people, I like to choose the character of someone by picking which character is more developed. This way, everyone would work harder on their character (for a specific role) to make them more 'special'. :) Anyone can have the potential to be anyone they desire here.

You can of course claim which character you want to be or is trying out for, but at then end it's I who decide who will get the part or not.

November 6, 2011
Time: 3:00PM

(This is for applying your character for any of the MAIN roles.
Remember: anyone can try out for any character, but I will decide who will get the role. My desicion will be judged on how well your character is developed.)

Last edited by Missing Link on Fri Nov 04, 2011 9:43 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Missing Link
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I'd like to try for Emilia please.

Edit: What kind of pictures are allowed.

I am not weird, I am gifted.
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Just ignore me. Zodia got here before me :)

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Zodia195: Anime pictures are allowed. :)

Now, I don't really like to reserve characters for other people, I like to choose the character of someone by which picking which one is more developed. This way, everyone would work harder on their character (for a specific role) to make them more 'special'. :) Anyone can have the potential to be anyone they desire here.

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Missing Link
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Good Idea, makes people work for their roles making them less likely to leave rp... I'm in

Wants to be a male hunter, but there's only one... Guess I'll be applying for Marcus then :3
To anyone else who wants to be Marcus "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED"

Oh... do we choose last names?

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Okay, already working on my character! x3

Also, is the use of first person allowed? I mean, not for the actual posts but for the character form. If not, could I at least use a combination of first and third?

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RoxUrSox: Choose your own last name.

Well, I could create a League of Hunters and a League of Vampires. Elizabeth would be the leader of the League of Vampires, and Rebecca would be second in command. (There are two groups within the league, one that would most follow Elizabeth and another that would mostly follow Rebecca. Usually, Noble vampires have the seats in leading. Damn Politics....) With the League of Hunters...I'm not very sure...

SO! If anyone have any additional information on what to add to this story, please do tell. Since I just created this story, I can add new things in and I would like this story to not only be mine, but yours as well.

I try not to create many MAIN roles, because I've noticed in other stories when that happens, it usually dies out. I could create apprentice and supportive roles that would take over a main roles missions or issues that he or she left behind if any of the main role happens to disappear or die.

This story could be much more than a simple love story. War could break out, many deaths could occur...etc. There are more underlining problems then it appears to be. It's all up to us as writers and how much we can accomplish really.

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Missing Link
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Tumbleweed: "For the character form?" What exactly do you mean by that? In your character's application? If it's for your characters application, then yes, you could use first and third person. I don't really care if it's for your application, use whatever form of writing for your application that is most comfortable for you...

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Missing Link
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Vampire politics is such a hassle to figure out... I personally like VTMB's politics since it made the most sense to me anyway. Camarila = Booooo!, Sabat = DIE!, Kue Jin = DIE! DIE! DIE!!!, Anarchs = Sweet, Independent = Meh... (Well my thoughts on VTMB's politics anyway xD)

Is loving the fact that Aiden and Emilia are like soul mates, or at least Emilia looks like Aiden's Emilia. Kinda feels like Marcus is going to get screwed over latter... dunno xD

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I haven't played VTMB so I have no idea how it is. >.

Well, I added more information into the introduction hopefully to make it seem more than just a typical love story (I don't want that). I also added two supportive roles (it doesn't matter if someone takes them or not), but they are there and could be promoted to a main role, but as for right now, they are just supportive roles. Hopefully, my additional information isn't too confusing...I hope it makes it for interesting as well for other people.

Last edited by Missing Link on Fri Nov 04, 2011 8:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Missing Link
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are there any female spots left? if so...OOH OH PICK ME PICK ME!

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emotionless: All the female spots are still open. You can try out for a character if you want. Even if someone tries out for that same character, I will be the one to decide who will obtain that role.

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Missing Link
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Lol Emotionless xD
How have you been aye? xD

P.S: VTMB is like my favorite vampire game of all time, it's kinda old now but it still is epic... Still play it from time to time and it's like how many years old xD Just love the game... wished it was free roaming after you finished the game though cause once you finished the last mission, that's pretty much it. Unless you play it again, which I've done like countless of times xD

[Edit: Wished there was a preview character application thing you know... oh well Marcus application sent]

Last edited by RoxUrSox on Fri Nov 04, 2011 9:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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great, i have been fantastic. How are you Rox?

Okay i shall go back and decide whom i want to try out for.

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I'm all good you know... same ol same ol, no complaints here xD

Does anyone else think Marcus is going to end up being screwed over? I think so xD

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imma try out for Emilia: The reincarnation of Aiden's true soul mate. Girlfriend to Marcus. She's human right, because she's dating a hunter?

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emotionless: Yep, she is human. :) Perhaps I should put that down to make it more clear.

RoxUrSox: Maybe or maybe not~ Marcus has a unique position and Elizabeth might try to set a deal with him. I can't tell what kind of deal though.

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Missing Link
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Trying out for Emilia ^^ Character sent in.

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Ooooh 3 girls trying out for Emilia... and I thought someone was going to try and challenge me for Marcus xD

I was thinking along the same lines as that Link. Thought if Emilia and Aiden become romantically involved Marcus and Elizabeth would work together to end it... Don't know if Marcus would ever go through with a plan with Elizabeth though... but you never know

[Edit:Gahr... excuse me I need to make a correction 4 girls trying out for Emilia... tsk tsk xD]

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