Friday, November 11, 2011

[OOC] Divisional Immortality; Part One

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This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Divisional Immortality; Part One"


Elven Folk
Elves vary in size from 4'10" and 5'8". However, according to their delicate bodies they seem much taller than they really are. Often male and female elves are hard to discern, at first glance. Both sexes usually have big, expressive eyes (in the most splendid colors). They wear their hair uncut and open, have graceful, fragile features and are of extraordinary beauty. Male elves also don't have any beard growth. Very typical for elves are their pointed ears, and high cheekbones. In modern descriptions, elves are either light or dark, the light elves having starlike eyes, faces brighter than the sun, and golden-colored hair; the dark elves are pitch black and have sometimes fluorescent eyes, this quality being indicative of their dealing with black magic. Both are attractive, in appearance at least. Elves prefer greens and greenish-greys while dark elves prefer blacks, dark grey, and sometimes silver.

In comparison to humans, elves are stronger in spirit and in limb and have an exceptional constitution and endurance. When they grow older they seldom get weaker, instead they become wiser and even more fair. Elven senses, especially of hearing and sight, are much keener and intense than those of Men and are highly resitant to extremes of temperatures and also have several natural defenses against magical influences. The long life-spans of elves may be accounted to one of the main reasons that elves are very calm and patient in all their actions.

Even if some elves are said to be immortal, elves of all tribes die a natural death after long lives. The amount of years elves live indeed varies enormously, ranging from 100 years to 700. It is also known that very often elves end their lives of their own will when they see a necessity to do so or if they think that their life's goal has been reached. Of course elves may also die when they are wounded severely, but in general elves heal very fast when they are tended to quickly. Death on the other hand is nothing an elf fears. The fact of death is interpreted by the elves as a return to nature.

Dwarfs usually look like grave old men, with grey, flowing beards and hunched backs. They are much shorter than humans - some may be only 18 inches high, while the taller ones are usually the height of a two year old child. It is said their aged appearance seems to be caused by the fact that they reach maturity at age three. Life spans usually range from 100 to roughly 300 years.

Dwarfs live deep under the ground in mines, or in the hearts of mountains and dig for gold and precious stones. Dwarves are skilled in the working of all kinds of metals, and in the forging of magical rings and swords.

Mystical metal workers, dwarfs are at home amid their mountain forges. Their knowledge of metal's properties, both physical and magical, is legendary. Their work sells for astounding prices; their payment is almost always made in gold or other magical treasures. They also can be very adept at soldiering with the right disposition.

Beast Folk
Beasts are just as they sound. They take the form as simple animals who may or may not be as large as the actual animal they represent. A deciding factor in seeing whether they are an animal or beast folk is that the eyes are usually filled with intelligence. These beasts also speak many languages often knowing the more ancients ones. Sometimes they stand on two feet like normal humanoids. Life spans usually go from 200 to roughly 650 years.

They generally don't have powers since the power itself is that they are beasts raised to a special intelligence.

Half-Beast Folk
The most common of Beast folk, these are only half beast usually having human faces, hands, and bodies. They can have claws, hooves, horns and such that they resemble the beast but are still human. These beasts are usually centaurs, succubus, and other such creatures that are anthropomorphic.

Known for brute strength and unreasonable attitudes they can be the soldiering force of an army. They have superhuman capabilities such that they may lift things other can't or running faster than most.

The standard demonic entity. This is a human with powers that cause harm to others. The only difference is that this species may have strangely colored eyes, wild hair, and sometimes a knack for having fangs.

These demons are sometimes known as shape shifters because they can take on the appearance of any humanoid. They can't take on a beast form or winged form but they can change their features to appear as another person. Another thing that these creatures would be good at is mind-sight and offensive skills since they are agile in battle.

Vampire Folk

The body of a vampire is technically dead by human standards but in the standards of the new world, they are just as alive as the rest of us.Vampires usually appear as "normal" humans do, unless they are aroused by bloodlust or enraged in which they can seem much more intimidating. In such cases, the appearance of two, reticulating canine-like fangs may be seen; accompanied by red eyes and a rather predacious countenance. The vampire requires fresh human blood for sustenance and yet can also prey on other life, such as flowers, trees, and lower forms of life. Human blood is the preference of all vampires, although they can sate themselves on lower mammalian forms of life for short periods of time which still includes the forms listed before. New or "young" vampires need to feed once every two nights in order to sustain their existence. The necessary amount of human blood consumed during feeding varies between one-half and one full quart. Some "older" vampires can resist their bloodlust and survive for longer periods without feeding; sometimes over a span of several weeks to a whole year. However, a vampire deprived of viable sustenance for protracted amounts of time will rapidly "age" until it reaches its actual age - ordinarily proving to be fatal, as most vampires are older than the average human lifespan, they may last for 300 to about 1000 years. They primarily can become elders.

Improved night-vision, sometimes to the point of being able to see without even moonlight. An ability to sense other vampires. Broader range of senses.
Prescience, or the capacity to instinctively predict the immediate future. Perception of auras, empathy.

Everyone knows that you can't mix a beast folk with a vampire. Cases such as that one are very rare and this includes any other pairing. The *COUGH* and *COUGH* (I'm not going to teach sex-ed kiddies.) rarely blend together and the mating is deigned pointless. Hybrids are an extremely rare case of creature and often or not do not exist. If so, they are cast out and can be pointed out by society due to the mixed looks of the two races combined.

Fae Folk
Much to the common knowledge, the Fay are not; though akin to pixies and other winged creatures of the mystic realm, the classical beings of mischief and malice. They are capable of that, no doubt, but they are what you call the "nobler race" of all their kin. Described as one of the wisest and fairest beings, they possess longevity, yet can die of common causes like wounds, but invulnerable to poison and can heal wounds more easily than mortals. They have strange vulnerabilities, though, which can lead to death for them but not for us, like, sadly enough... a broken heart. They have a very playful nature, and more Fae die every Millenia thanks to them falling in love with a mortal they only set out to mess around with. You can tell they have died through a broken heart because the spot where the heart is placed under the skin and muscule turns black and as do their veins. They die with the look of love in their eyes and tears on their cheeks. Tthe sight is terrifyingly sad and beautiful.

Mostly human, they have wonderful talents of magic, scribes, and metalwork (etc.), though contrary to human activities of 'overdoing' their craft to reducing forests for profit, Fay are one with nature.

Elemental Folk
This Species is more of a class but they are Human. The elementalists call upon spirits and elements to aid them and their allies in battle. Through the strength and wisdom of the spirits, the elementalists can channel spells to help their allies, while casting spells that hinder the enemies. Elementalists can absorb the enemies' health and mana so that the enemies cause less damage towards others and become easier to kill.

Thanks for joining~! Ask me anything and call me Aka-chan! Or just Aka. =3

Last edited by Akantha on Wed Nov 09, 2011 4:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

"Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry. Seriously, you should even nickname your friends with names that end with vowels. It makes the world spin.

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Isn't that japanese for 'baby' within an affectionate context.

You damned hoe.

Edit: Can I throw in a reservation for the illustrious Xena leader-chick?

?Your kiss is bitter with cocaine.? But it cannot stop my heart, nor capture it with not but your sweet taste alone. Would you have me any other way?

Hazezon Turning giant beds full of naked women, and their contents into FIREBALLS OF DEATH since 1994.

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Rofl! Idk. I just like the way it sounds. And the way you say it should be: You silly hoe you~ :3 Lololol
Anyways yeah. Your in. I don't mind. And your..Avatar is...So adorable.

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Solana and QueLights agree with that.

His name is Ted. :3

Now, to scour Zerochan for an age to find a picture!
Which really means, I'm going to find and save a thousand and one really awesome pictures that have nothing to do with what I want, until finally stumbling on a good one.
Cause, that's just how Zerochane works.

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Yeah. Like I could stare at your avatar for hours and be amused. I love you Ted... o.o

Ugh. I have so much editing to do to spiff up this roleplay to make it look nice. I knew I would have too but when you look at it...It all looks like so much work that you wanna put it off.

Zerochan hates me though. I can't use it and they won't let me use their images.
OMG I wanna play my MW3 naoooooo! *Facepalm* Why must school take all day?! They could just cram everything into two hours. I know they could. >:(

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Ewwwww, Call Of Duty.
You silly CHILDREN with your CONSOLE FPS games.
Why not play a real shooter, with actual compition. >:F

-Was a semi-competitive online FPS-gamer-
I'd always love it when people from like, CoD, or Halo, or anything would join an MMOFPS.
Within an hour you'd always hear, "Wow, you're all a lot better than what I'm used to.."

And It's goddamned true. :3

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XD it's kinda true. Were not used to using keys though...It's all about the controller for us! It's life itself. Well that and the actual game.

Oh and I added some more tips in the thing about making charries. I like people to be on the same page. And added two new things to the charrie sheet. Just species and abilities. Because...Well yeah. You get the point. I'm also going to add to my first post about species and what they look, appear, and general powers are. SIGH.

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Is there a racial limit/block/preference for the Xen leader? And how firm is this whole "robes" thing...

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Yeah, I was looking through the OOC forums and I was all "Hey, this is interesting." I'll probably join, but I have no idea what I'll be right now.

"Nothing on earth consumes a man more quickly than the passion of resentment." ~ Nietzsche
"Opinions have caused more ills than the plague or earthquakes on this little globe of ours." ~ Voltaire

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Yer a stalker.

I'm perfectly fine with that.

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