Monday, August 20, 2012

Autism, Asperger's, and Roleplaying Study: Survey Two Out!

Hello! Many of you very graciously participated in the first exploratory survey of a study on autism, Asperger's, and roleplaying sometime between July 2011 and the present, and the second survey has been in the works for many months now. This second, more focused survey has now been released!

Our study is exploring the habits, attitudes, experiences, and behavior of Autistic roleplayers compared to the habits, attitudes, experiences, and behavior of non-Autistic roleplayers. We would love to have responses from both Autistic people and non-Autistic people. In the second survey, we will be asking more focused questions to elicit information about all types of roleplayers, though we have maintained a focus toward text-based types of roleplaying and collaborative writing.

We need any and all roleplayers to participate, whether they have disabilities or not. Here is the link to the survey. If that link doesn't work, try copying and pasting this URL into your browser instead -- The survey may take around an hour to complete if uninterrupted, but you may pause the survey for as long as you want provided that you do not close the tab or window or shut down your computer. Some of the questions may be sensitive or triggering, and pausing is encouraged.

If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, please don't hesitate to contact us at this email address (

Thank you!

~ Your resident Ylanne


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