Wednesday, June 19, 2013

GOP staffer claims to live on food stamps without problems, suggests cutting more

With dozens of Democratic lawmakers struggling to live on a food stamp budget to protest GOP cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, a Republican staffer says he is living on a SNAP budget without problems.

Texas Republican Rep. Steve Stockman?s communications director and agriculture policy advisor, Donny Ferguson, says he has been able to eat well on $27.58 for a week, less than the $31.50 House Democrats have limited themselves to for their ?SNAP Challenge.?

?I wanted to personally experience the effects of the proposed cuts to food stamps.? I didn?t plan ahead or buy strategically, I just saw the publicity stunt and made a snap decision to drive down the street and try it myself.? I put my money where my mouth is, and the proposed food stamp cuts are still quite filling,? Ferguson said of the challenge.

Stockman?s office noted that Ferguson did not use coupons, discount programs, or a shopping list, and he shopped at locations accessible via public transportation.

?Not only did I buy a week?s worth of food on what Democrats claim is too little, I have money left over.? Based on my personal experience with SNAP benefit limits we have room to cut about 12 percent more,? Ferguson said.

?I didn?t use coupons, I didn?t compare prices and was buying for one, instead of a family. I could have bought even more food per person if I were splitting $126 four ways, instead of budgeting $31.50 to eat for one.? Ferguson added. ??I could have bought cheaper vegetables instead of prepared red beans and rice, but I like red beans and rice.? Folks aren?t buying fast food instead of vegetables because of benefit limits, they?re buying fast food because fast food tastes great and vegetables taste like vegetables.?

To be sure, hot food and food eaten within a store are not SNAP eligible purchases.

The food he has left over, Stockman?s office explained in their press release, will be donated to a food bank, along with the $3.92 left over.

Ferguson?s shopping list included $21.55 spent at Dollar Tree to purchase:

Two boxes of Honeycombs cereal

Three cans of red beans and rice

Jar of peanut butter

Bottle of grape jelly

Loaf of whole wheat bread

Two cans of refried beans

Box of spaghetti

Large can of pasta sauce

Two liters of root beer

Large box of popsicles

24 servings of Wyler?s fruit drink mix

Eight cups of applesauce

Bag of pinto beans

Bag of rice

Bag of cookies


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